Has The Golden Compass movie wrecked New Line Cinema?
Posted on by Ian

Actor Colin Farrell recently explained to reporters that a film in which he stars, “Pride And Glory”, has had its release pushed back until 2009. He explained that contrary to popular belief that the film simply was still incomplete, the delay was in fact a direct result of The Golden Compass movie. He says that he feels New Line lost everything on the film and states categorically “they literally don’t have enough money to market things”. Read the (short but interesting) article here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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13 Responses to Has The Golden Compass movie wrecked New Line Cinema?

  1. Greg says:

    That’s it. I can’t stand Colin Farrell and his OPINIONS. Let’s be honest, he’s just an actor and really shouldn’t be saying these things. Sure, in the US box office, TGC did kind of bomb, but I’m not going to take his accusations seriously until we get some kind of official confirmation from New Line.

  2. Liz says:

    Well its sort of true… newline has posponed the inkheart movie & this one, pride & glory until next year. They were suposed to come out this year but now its next year… i read this on dark horizons site, but it didnt say it was TGCs fault, just the dates were changing.

  3. Jill says:

    Uh, I was thinking along the lines of “New Line Cinema wrecked the Golden Compass movie” — not the other way around. Blame it on the people who moved the dates, not the movie itself you overrated actor…that is, if it came straight out of your mouth, which would most likely be the case anyway

  4. tim says:

    He’s blaming it on how much money it cost the studio, which is perfectly possible to be 100% true. It’s not something you would bother to make up.

  5. Karine says:

    New Line wrecked the Golden Compass which wrecked New Line back. What goes around comes around..

  6. Matthew says:

    Inheart may have been delayed and TGC performed poorly (US-wise) due to a glut of kid-oriented fantasy pics, but Farrell’s Pride and Glory is a police family drama, and there have been a fair number of those around lately also. I’m willing to bet that with daemons, at least, TGC brought an original element to film that Pride and Glory, however well-acted or made, won’t even attempt. But that’s just a guess…

  7. ian says:

    I don’t blame Colin, he is simply just acting a movie, he and millions of other people don’t know that the title of the article reads backwards, because not everyone is a hdm fan.

  8. Green ink says:

    It’s New Line’s own fault for interfering with The Golden Compass like they did. Farrel should be glad his film is just being pushed back, instead of neutered, cut and recut.
    (Notice though how it’s the magazine that’s badmouthing The Golden Compass and seemingly equating financial succes with the quality of the film)

  9. Annabel says:

    New line bit off more than they could chew trying to tackle NL. The religious aspects were watered down, the beautifully-written adventure turned into a big family effects-ridden spectacular which was good as a film, but didn’t capture any spirit of the books whatsoever.


    I hope they choose to take the next two books more seriously. If they feel up to the challenge.

  10. John L says:

    Repent, New Line. God is slow to anger and quick to forgive.

  11. Conor says:

    what comes around goes around.. like some guy up there said /\–

    they shouldve left it as its origanal script and made a multi million best seller… but Noooo. new line thought “huh, we no better than some of the best directers around, and interfeir and make the movie are selves… la de da we know best because we made lord of the rings.” well guess what, your’e lord of the rings aint here to safe youre sorry asses now.

  12. Roy says:

    The movie failed because New Line didn’t make enough money in the US. In Europe they made lots of money, but they were stupid enough to sell the foreign rights to other companies. That’s what really broke their necks.

    I thought the movie wasn’t too bad. The actors were awesome and they played a little with the religious part. It was in there way more than I expected. I didn’t like how the movie felt so rushed and how everyone excepted everything so quickly. And offcourse I missed the ending.
    I really hope they will make the next 2 movies and won’t care about protesting Christian extremist. I also hope the movie will be longer and that they don’t change anything at the last minute.

  13. Foulksy says:

    When last did NLC give an offical statement???????

    they have been very quiet………..

    Who is going to watch that movie??? To be honest i dont care if it never gets to be seen….

    And Inkheart?? it doesnt really look that good…..