N is for Northern Lights
Posted on by Will

The Museum of Oxford's exhibition entitled the 'A-Z of Literary Oxford' opens tomorrow and will run until July. It's a hands-on exhibition aimed particularly at local families and visitors to the City, with free entry. “This special new exhibition will take visitors on an alphabetical journey through Oxford�s literary past and present and discover famous authors, popular books, bookshops, poets and artists. Philip Pullman features under N for Northern Lights.” The exhibition will be using some of BridgeToTheStars' images from the recent location filming and auditioning in Oxford. The images will be included on graphic panels, eventually forming part of the museum's permanent display. Philip Pullman will be on hand to open the exhibition and sign books afterwards. Read more.

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2 Responses to N is for Northern Lights

  1. Lizzietiffon01 says:

    cool! Sounds good.