The Republic of Heaven

Would it be posible (in theory) to create the subtle knife?

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Postby Will » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:10 pm

Back to the wedging thing; don't forget that the "gaps" between particles are ~*iguana*~ massive. A fullstop (nucleus) in a sportshall (atom) is the usual example. So I don't think much wedging could really work.
Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God tell you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
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Postby Dante » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:13 pm

Except that when the knife itself goes in...
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Postby Max » Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:43 pm

Back to the wedging thing; don't forget that the "gaps" between particles are ~*iguana*~ massive. A fullstop (nucleus) in a sportshall (atom) is the usual example. So I don't think much wedging could really work.
Yeah, so I was assuming he meant particles as in electrons, nucleons/quarks, or the various other such particles rather than atoms, which are, relatively speaking, very easy to break apart (with radiation).
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Postby muddmania » Sun Dec 05, 2004 6:10 pm

Surly it would be very dangerous to create a single blade like this, if it were waved about or even moved through the air would it not cause explosions? And isn't the radiation required for what Max said very dangerous to humans?
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Postby Max » Sun Dec 05, 2004 6:45 pm

Surly it would be very dangerous to create a single blade like this, if it were waved about or even moved through the air would it not cause explosions?
Not if it just 'cut'. If it actually destroyed matter, relatively large amounts of energy would be released, but I doubt dangerous amounts.
And isn't the radiation required for what Max said very dangerous to humans?
In high doses, yeah. But it's not really relevant, because that kind of thing is part of nature and nothing to do with what the knife does.
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Postby Burning_Ape » Tue May 03, 2005 1:47 pm

trveling faster slows down time. In the evedence shown, time travel could be posible (onley forward) at very high speeds.
If you say that then wouldn't that mean that if you could travel fast enough you could effectivly travel back in time. So if that therory is true, then time travel is possible. And also you can't travel forward in time... You would have to go slower than the speed of light... we are going that fast now... even as I type, the faster you go the slower time is... you cannot slow down the speed we are now because that would defy the laws of physics.
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