Tie-In Book & Game Covers
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As Scholastic announced back in January and July, various tie-in books to go along with The Golden Compass movie will be released this autumn. They include a “story of the film” offering; an illustrated movie companion and a quizbook. The latest covers for these books are below – as ever, they may change before publication.

Asides from books, many other products will be produced by Scholastic. With over 40 licensing partners worldwide, the company is aiming to release Golden Compass “apparel, home décor, card & DVD board game, food & candy, stationary, gift & novelty and publishing.” Here’s the front cover for one of those items: a “shuffle puzzle book”.

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18 Responses to Tie-In Book & Game Covers

  1. Dayse Dantas says:

    I don’t know. But it seems like the way they merchadising the movie makes the movie looks… I don’t know, like kids movies. I mean, I think it’s cool all the things they’re doing and all, but I don’t know…
    Well, maybe I’m just going nuts.

  2. andria says:

    i REALLY HATE how their constanly using that ONE pic of lorek over and over and over again….i dont like it at all.

  3. andria says:

    AND how they arent using lyra’s face in alot of things too;i mean,they’re only using the known actors-i know that its probably for advetising,but….but,it just annoys me.

  4. Kinders says:

    “It seems like the way they’re merchandising the movie makes the movie looks… I don’t know, like kids movies…”

    It’s because it’s so colourful and curvy, and the cast are posing for the camera like a portrait…

    Compare the same books for Lord of the Rings:

  5. Skye says:

    There are actually two different pictures of Iorek there, if you’ll look closely.

    And I do agree that some of the merchandising is a bit overboard, but I still think I’ll be buying some of it.
    I don’t normally go for movie tie-ins, but this is HDM! I’m definitely going for the “illustrated movie companion”, if it’s anything like the one for Star Wars.

  6. moyeongsu says:

    this is seriously gettin annoying. i wanna stab myself. this merchandising thing is going way over the limit of normal. the more i see this stuff the less i am excited about the movie. stop making all this crap and just let the movie be good. agh!

  7. tato says:

    yeah, likes cheapy, dont like at all.still sad about those terribles posters, expecting the new ones, its taking so much time to come out; if comes out…

  8. Haley says:

    Wait… the story of the movie? Meaning they’re rewriting GC to go with the flow of the movie? Oh dear.

  9. anna says:

    i think they don’t catch the spirit of the books at all. They look like the covers on novelizations, which i have never been fond of. i agree that they look juvenile, when they really have a lot of serious themes that aren’t often found in ya and children’s literature (that’s what makes them so good, though.)

  10. Green Ink says:

    Jeez, these things look terrible.
    They look like educational childrensbooks from the nineties.
    It seems as though they couldn’t choose what image to put on the cover, so they just decided to get everything on there.
    Scholastic should have gotten some decent designers for this, as this looks totally unprofessional.

  11. willi says:

    I think that this is not official, when all this stuff will come out, it will have a very different design…This is my guess, because it don’t relate with nothing. Look at the webpage, it’s perfection, so why then this?

    You will see that this in not what will come…

  12. Miliowilix says:

    Like… I would make Alethiometer the logo, not Iorek. I mean he’s cool and all but.. C’moon!
    I mean everyone who want to watch the movie and not read the book ask me “Owh, bear this, bear that”

  13. Kinders says:

    Haley, I suspect that “The Story of the Movie” is in fact “The Story of the Making of the Movie”.

  14. Haley says:

    Kinders – I hope so! If they were to make a novelization of the movie…. I’d do something bad. But if it were a “Making of”, I’d actually be very interested.

  15. Pan_Fan says:

    OMG I WANNA WEAR LYRA CLOTHES!!! by apperal do they actually mean similar stuff to wat she wears cause i really wanna dress like her!!! i dont care wat people say cause im gonna buy all that stuff!!!

  16. tato says:

    i like the two first posters (that teaser withe the alethiometer, and the seconed, that i love, Lyra and Iorek, together – the colours, the blue with the golden, well done that poster)BUT then came out that awful poster with all carcters, and now this…oh god, please give me a good poster…

  17. Pingback: Star Wars Pictures

  18. Satchel says:

    Hi Guys there is a picture of Roger on the book cover, horay at last we see him.