The Golden Compass Videogame Music
Posted on by Will

Gamespy have a developer’s diary from the composer of the music for The Golden Compass videogame, Jaimie Christopherson. The score he wrote has nothing to do with Alexandre Desplat’s soundtrack for the film; Christopherson relates that “I didn’t try to guess what the film music might sound like, but instead treated this game as a completely different entity, which would require a unique voice separate from the film. […] Like any traditional overture, I wanted the theme to encapsulate everything that would happen in the game (or the movie), so there is a little suspense, a little drama, a little innocence and a lot of adventure.” Read more.

You can listen to two of the tracks from the game’s soundtrack right here:

Lyra’s theme (download)

Menu music (download)

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10 Responses to The Golden Compass Videogame Music

  1. Bruce says:

    This is very good music for a videogame. If I did not know it was for the game I would think it was for the movie.

  2. green ink says:

    I’m not at all familiar with music for videogames, or with videogames in fact, but it’s quite good in fact. Even if it all sounds a bit too pleasant.

  3. advo says:

    I think it’s really good, I’m very impressed. If the movie’s music will be even half as good, I’m sure it’ll be an amazing soundtrack.

  4. cantado says:

    I am impressed by the music that I have heard above. It is exceptionally beautiful and powerful for a video game. I may just have to buy the video game for this factor alone! 😀

  5. Annabel says:

    I’m getting a DS for christmas (not just because of TGC game, honest…). I hope the music will be this good on there too!

  6. ian says:

    WOW!! Listen to some snippets of the music while watching some of the TV spots on mute.

  7. Ashe says:

    For being game music I must say this is very good. If I didn’t know any better I’d say it sounded like music for the actual film. 🙂 Very beautiful.

  8. Selkie says:

    Finally, a game that doesn’t have the same 30 second sequence as you sit in the menu. Next to DVD soundbytes, these short clips are agonizing.

    Thank you bridgetothestars for putting the download links. These sounds are fantastic, and I think suit the book really well. A really nice composition.

    This only makes me more excited for the movie and soundtrack!

  9. ian says:

    I love hoe the music morphs into other themes undisturbed!!

  10. ian says:

    Scratch “hoe” and put how.