TGC Videogame Quotes
Posted on by Will

Game Informer Magazine have a look at The Golden Compass videogame featuring some new quotes from the development team behind the game. Lead designer Dax Berg remarked that “No matter how much we love the book, the film, or the universe, it is our goal to create the gameplay first, and then wrap the narrative of the universe around that. If you try to do it the other way you often do not end up with a solid game.” He goes on to explain some of the gameplay mechanics, including a “deception minigame”. Read more.

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3 Responses to TGC Videogame Quotes

  1. adria says:

    wow,that makes me want 2 get the game even more!!

  2. Dukeleto says:

    This does sound interesting, “deception minigame” sounds fun, not very mainstream, most like an RPG like Oblivion or the old Lucasarts SCUMM games, be interesting to see how young gamers nowadays will take to it.
    Shiny used to be a great developer, all the Earthworm Jim and MDK games were very creative and technically ambitious. I’m still very worried about the screenshots tho, it all looks so ugly.

  3. WillTheSecond says:

    Hrm… despite quite a few what you could cal ‘action scenes’ in the novel that will work in a film, I don’t know if overall Northern Lights will translate well to game. Shiny did a decent (though not special) job with Enter The Matrix though.

    Lets not get our hopes up, these kinds of licensed games do not often work out well. Actually, Order of the Pheonix: The Game seems more one to watch at the moment, especially one Wii.

    Ooo! Idea: Wii remote as the subtle knife?