Pullman’s Solar Panels
Posted on by Will

Philip Pullman has an opinionated piece in the Guardian today. Focusing again on the environment, he bemoans the bureaucracy that keeps him from installing solar panels on his home. “They said immediately that we could forget it because this is a grade II-listed building. […] It doesn’t even occur to it that there are more urgent and recent considerations that should override them.” Pullman goes on to say, “I feel I have an individual responsibility, but at the same time putting in low-energy light bulbs or flying as little as possible – as I do now – will make not one atom of difference. This problem can really only be dealt with by the government, and I have absolutely no faith that the craven liars who are in power now will do anything at all.” Read more.

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14 Responses to Pullman’s Solar Panels

  1. Yokata says:

    It is rather discouraging that the council has hindered Philip Pullman from placing solar panels on his house. I see no reason why anyone could find any reason to object a decent citizen of Britain trying to help curtail energy consumption in this way. Hopefully he does manage to persuade them soon that he should be able to attach them to his roof.

    I am proud that Philip Pullman is being this proactive in the fight against global warming.

  2. Alex says:

    ok, I understand that this is important, and I’m proud of Pullman for speaking up, yet…

    I kind of wish that he would go back to being annoyed about education and other things pertaining to writing and leave the global warming and movie business.

  3. Cyphase says:

    I don’t know about the UK, but in America, the government is the biggest polluter, bigger than the top 4 corporate polluters combined. Plus, they’re in bed with the oil companies (among others), who don’t like alternative energy sources, so there are laws that make it harder to use them (not to mention stories of inventors being threatened over their alternative energy technologies). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of those “the evil oil corporations are making obscene profits!” people. If the oil companies can survive without the government protecting them, good for them. On the other hand, if they can’t.. tough. That’s competition, and competition is good. Personally, I hope that people can move to “greener” energies ASAP, but I don’t want to force anyone to do anything. Once the government *gets out of the way*, the market will handle it in the best way.

    Sorry if that sounds like a rant :P.

  4. charlie says:

    Put the solar panels up anyway, having read the article they won’t be visible and I seriously doubt wether the Oxford city council will check up on him, they are too busy taking backhanders/trashing the greenbelt/being corrupt. If anyone ever did come round to confront him about hanging panels on his roof he could always fly into a rage claiming that the council representative was”A man from Porlock” and had driven out of his head a key idea for his latest book and send the guy off with a flea in his ear, in fact why don’t we all just ignore all this ridiculous red tape and get on with changing the world and the authorities can go whistle for all I care. Remember the poll tax and how the british people put the mockers on that one, the problem with the people is that we just aren’t intelligently and constructively disobedient enough.

  5. silvertongue says:

    yuu go philpy !!!

  6. Witch-girl says:

    I must say that I, too, totally agree with Philip Pullman, who is at least doing something to help fight global warming. I would really like to have solar panels installed in a house I live in someday, as well. I heard they’re very nice and sunny, just like skylights, and I’ve always been a fan of those for the most part.

  7. Skye says:

    “…and I have absolutely no faith that the craven liars who are in power now will do anything at all.”

    0.o Wow. When he gets an opinion about something, it’s a *strong* opinion!

  8. Witch-girl says:

    Ha-la! 😀

  9. Sherry says:

    I was finishing up THE TIN PRINCESS this morning and recognized a theme echoing Pullman’s current plight. Something to do with the idea that those in power, behind the scenes, being able to block the best efforts at progress made by those who really care. His characters always seem to come to realize this condition in the world, but they do not fold under it. For long.

  10. Witch-girl says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever actually tried to read that book. 🙂 I’d surely like to, though.

  11. parsa says:

    my english language very bad. not understand

  12. drama queen says:

    kl……. i think it is good he is takin an intrest…….
    i have energy saving light bulbs at home and they are good………

  13. Witch-girl says:

    Yes, and there’s that certain kind of light bulbs out there, I think…which supposedly cost a few dollars more than a normal light bulb, but can last up to ten years longer than any other sort of light bulb. O_O Has anybody else ever heard of those? They’re supposed to be extremely nice… 😀

    *it’s early in the morning and Witch-girl can’t think or write very clearly*

  14. drama queen says:

    i was in town today and i met an athuor who had met pp in a festival and he told me that they both like the same books and stuff and said that one of pps fav books is the moomin trolls …….. i told him about this website and he said that pp will most likely be on this and read our comments………..
    he told me more stuff too…….