Pullman to speak at University of Bangor
Posted on by Ian

As a an honourary professor at the University of Bangor in north Wales, Philip Pullman is to speak at the establishment on February 9th along with several other speakers. The day is entitled ‘Upon My Word!’ and is a celebration of literature at Bangor. It’s an open event beginning at 9am and all are welcome. You can read about it here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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7 Responses to Pullman to speak at University of Bangor

  1. holl says:

    no one ever comments on these kind of articles. has anyone ever seen pullman in this sort o setting? id love if he came to my college

  2. Conor says:

    I think you’r alone on this one mate.lol

  3. Bethan says:

    Shut up, you ****. And it’s “you’re” not “you’r” you illiterate.

    Staff: Language please…

  4. Ian says:

    I’ve seen Pullman lecturing in Gothenburg, Sweden, and I thought that he was one of the best speakers I have ever come across. Fluent, engaging, thoughtful and informing. What more could you want? I honestly believe that for those at Oxford and Bangor who get to hear him speak as part of their courses must be very privileged!

    I guess that it might be a bit over your head Conor…

  5. holl says:

    thanks ian.

    Dont think Conor meant any harm…

  6. Conor says:

    errr… no i didn’t… it was meant to be funny, you know.. hardy har har. sorry if i caused trouble … exceptioly with my you’rs =[..

  7. Conor says:

    oops… i mean expesially , typo’s, they happen