DVDs for sale 28th April
Posted on by jessia

DVDActive indicates that The Golden Compass will see its DVD release at the end of April. “New Line Home Entertainment has announced a single ($28.98) and 2-disc special edition ($34.99)… the 2-disc will include over 2 and a half hours of extra material that look at the novel and its journey to the screen, production and casting, and featurettes on the armored bears, daemons, and the alethiometer.”
Read more.

About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
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35 Responses to DVDs for sale 28th April

  1. Aurone says:

    I wonder if the 2 1/2 hour one is the Director’s Cut Weiz has hinted at? Even more, I hope it has the orrigenal ending.

  2. Jacob says:

    This is the theatrical cut. If there’s to be a director’s cut, it won’t be for several months at the earliest. They want to sell this DVD before they release another.

  3. Mikhail says:

    I think if there is a chance for a sequel, you will not see a director’s cut with the last three chapters. The fact that these DVDs do not include the last three chapters give me hope that maybe New Line is considering the sequels, in which case the footage would be used there.

  4. Ace says:

    >The fact that these DVDs do not include the last three chapters give me hope that maybe New Line is considering the sequels, in which case the footage would be used there.

    Supposedly the Director’s Cut of the film is 2 hours 30 minutes WITHOUT the final chapters material I believe. Someone correct me if I’m wrong though.

  5. Nadeen says:

    Ace-I remember the director saying something to that affect.

    I loved the movie that was released (and a success outside the U.S.A. I’d like to remind everyone) but I would be delighted to see an extended edition and then the next two movies.

    We shall just have to see what develops.

  6. Phil says:

    I think they would’ve explicitly said that it was a director’s cut if it was. I’ll probably hold out for a while and see if anything comes of that before buying any edition.

  7. Karine says:

    The link doesn’t work for me :/

  8. Matthew says:

    I’m sure there’ll be the Director’s cut at some point – how could there not? – but remember that the extended LOTRs came out a few months after the theatricals. As for the ending, it seems as though it’ll be on a later release, unless – maybe – they decide not to do the sequels by April. But I doubt the SK script is ready to film, so it’ll probably be after the writer’s strike ends that we get a green light there, if at all.

  9. Matthew says:

    Besides, studios cheat on the “hours” of special content. They’re probably counting the commentary as 1:40 right there, so add thirty minutes of fluff interviews and twenty of special effects features and there’s your extras right there.

  10. foulksy says:

    did see the coverart? on the one cover they only had coulter, asriel, lyra and iorek! what about serrafina and lee? is it to do with starpower? i mean asriel has even less time than serrafina!

  11. Matthew says:

    … And I’m getting rather tired of seeing each of them twice as large as DBR.

  12. Brian says:

    Did anyone notice on the single disc release that they used the old Magisterium tower instead of the one that appears in the final film? Hopefully they’ll correct that before it goes to print. Other than that, I liked both of them. The 2-disc art looked really classy.

    Hopefully there’ll be word of a director’s cut soon…I personally hope Weitz gets to reconstruct it similar to the way he intended it, minus the full ending, but with the Bolvanger fight moved before Svalbard like he originally had and like in the novel.

  13. Lucy says:

    I cant wait for the DVD, the movie is great!!

  14. Karine says:

    Brian: It is written that the artwork is subject to change.

  15. foulksy says:

    what about deleted scenes?

  16. daemon_light says:

    Did anyone notice that there weren’t any deleted scenes on the special features… this is almost a definent sign that an extended edition will be released! YAY! They would’ve put them on the features otherwise. This is very good news… it also gives very optimistic hope for Subtle Knife!

    About the cover art… the 2 disc edition looks amazing. I think that they did a great job with it.
    The 1 disc looks… well pretty pathetic. Thank God the subscript says “Artwork subject to change” because it looks pretty terrible. I’ve ALWAYS hated that shot of Iorek because it isn’t ferocious enough, and I hate how Nicole and Daniel’s heads are HUGE when really the story is all about Lyra.

  17. Brian says:

    Karine: yeah, I did see that message, so hopefully it will. Sorry, meant to add that I read that in the last one, but thanks for reminding me.

  18. Liz says:

    But will the 2-disc one have the original ending that got cut? that’s what i really wanna see… i don’t want it stuck on the front of the sequel, it doesnt fit there … it should be the ending for #1 like they originlly intended!!

  19. Phil says:

    Unless we get official news about The Subtle Knife not being made, I would not expect to see the original ending on any edition, even a director’s cut.

  20. Skye says:

    Am I the only one that thinks $29 is a lot for a one-disk edition?

  21. Conor says:

    Chriz has given the go ahead for the subtle knife, he’s just waiting for the right time to anounced it and do start working on it. remember the golden compass didn’t meet to the standards of what the directors where hopeing for. And it doe’s take alot of time to make a movie, and the golden compass was rushed so it can be realesed before christmas… i think. so they have..

    1. a big loss in the budget.
    2. major changes done to the movies.
    3. And having NL cinema breathing down there backs… so there just trying to make some money AND be sure of what is going to happen.

    and is good, because it tells there learning from there mistakes and not rushing the majour multi-million project.

  22. Marcew says:

    Just in April?????

  23. David says:

    Conor, where did you hear that the decision has been made to actually do Subtle Knife? I’ve been waiting to hear on that. Also, isn’t it the studio’s call, not Weitz’s? He was very enthusiastic about the project — I’m sure if the choice to do a sequel were really up to him we’d have heard an announcement already.

  24. Conor says:

    David i can’t remember where i heard it excactly i think it was an interveiw, or i think it was one of my mates who mentioned it. and i was ment to say the studio. anyway thats the thing the’ve just realesed the DVD so they don’t rush into the subtle knife and make a muck of it. look at the golden compass, the rushed it so they can get it in before 2008 and they made a complete different story than the book. And they have been getting a load of hate/ dissapointment mail because of it. so there just going to take it slowley with the subtle knife, and just worrie about making the script perfect and then worrie about annoncements, auditins, etc.

    you have to be patient if they announce it, they announce it. if they don’t, they don’t.

  25. Foulksy says:

    daemon_light thats exactly what im thinking!!!!

    the movie isn’t exactly going to be announced now!!

    1st. the writers strike
    2nd. this NL thing… are they being fired or not???
    3rd. maybe wanna see if the dvd sells then they can see if there are ppl who are interested which is a stupid thought coz there are!!!!


  26. Matthew says:

    On the other hand, they shouldn’t wait too long… lest DBR age too much! I always thought the potter kids were irreplacable, but though they *could* have changed one of ’em after the first movie or two, there’s no replacing Lyra.
    Though I guess they could just say Lyra’d been wandering around the Citigazze (sp, I know) world without finding anything inhabited ’til she found Will and the town.

  27. ian (not Ian) says:

    Who would be willing to wait until after the TSK movie (if made) to buy a director’s cut of TGC that includes the origional ending? Because if Weitz releases one before TSK, trust me, New Line won’t let him release the moved ending to DVD, if they are making TSK movie.

  28. Matthew says:


    Much has already been made of the deleted scenes from the book’s ending — the last three chapters were filmed but not included in the film version of “The Golden Compass.” While that footage is still destined for the beginning of “The Subtle Knife,” the second volume in the series, Weitz thinks a moment of it could work as a teaser in the director’s cut of “Compass.”

  29. daemon_light says:

    I’m really hoping he puts the events back in order if he makes a extended edit. It’s really a shame they wasted the bridge scene (meant for when she’s going after Asriel and Roger) on the way she gets to Bolvanger… it would have been really powerful in the Asriel scene, rather than the trip to Bolvanger scene.

    Ha… I had a dream last night that they decided to go ahead with making the Subtle Knife, but the studio had to replace Dakota because of scheduling conflicts due to filming her next film Secret of Moonacre. I was kind of upset… glad it’s not real.

  30. Karine says:

    Amazon added a couple of covers to the full & widescreen dvds but nothing more.

  31. namster says:

    > Ha… I had a dream last night that they decided to go ahead with making the Subtle Knife, but the studio had to replace Dakota because of scheduling conflicts due to filming her next film Secret of Moonacre. I was kind of upset… glad it’s not real.

    BAH! Scariest dream ever, daemon_light 😛

  32. mark scoresby says:

    Is the date for release mentioned for the whole world or
    just America.I live in Ireland,when is the DVD comming out

  33. Daviddatsme says:

    I can’t wait! Love the film! But ther are scenes that were on the adds but not in the movie, like the bridge scene at the end!

  34. Tim says:

    will the extensed version not suck? I loved this book and they destroyed it with poor editing and changing flat out changing the story.

  35. Karine says:

    The Blu-ray dvd has a different cover on Amazon than the one seen previously. I know it’s just covers..