Pullman is the 7th most collectible author
Posted on by Ian

According to website Abebooks, books by Philip Pullman are the 7th most collectible available. Alongside him in the top ranks of rare and collectible books are J.K. Rowling, Tolkien and Shakespeare. The data, which is based on 2007 sales, notes that a British signed first edition of Northern Lights sold for US$3500 at the height of Golden Compass movie mania last year. You can read more here. Thanks to community members Cittagazze for the tip off!

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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2 Responses to Pullman is the 7th most collectible author

  1. kincuri says:

    That must be awesome for Pullman, to be right behind Shakespeare and above Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens (!) and Winston Churchill.

  2. gobbler says:

    If this does not tell warner Brother Films something then what more evidence do they need to make to sequal films. The next two films will be a huge sucess if they let Chris Weitz make them his way. The 7th most populat book in the world read!!! wow