Philip Pullman talks to The Times
Posted on by krebbe

With the approaching release of Once Upon a Time in the North, Philip Pullman talks to Rosa Silverman of The Times newspaper. The interview topics include the effects of corporate forces on our lives and the environment, his hopes and reservations regarding the movies, and the difficulties of writing stories that impress both the critics the public.

“A lot of things about [The Golden Compass movie] were good. Nothing’s perfect. Nothing can bring out all that’s in the book. There are always compromises.”

Pullman also describes his optimism that the sequels will be made and concedes that he wants to appeal to a wide audience partly because “the more readers you get, the more money you get.” It’s a candid comment, befitting a man who has built up a reputation for speaking his mind on controversial ideas. Read the whole article here.

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6 Responses to Philip Pullman talks to The Times

  1. mark scoresby says:

    And I don’t blame him

  2. Kincuri says:

    Speaking of Money,
    TGC just finished it’s forth week in Japan, it’s still sitting 3rd on their Box Office with a gross to date of $23.8 million (Box Office Mojo), sounds like its done fairly well to me.

    I pre-ordered my copy of Once Upon a Time in the North over the weekend. Unlucky Australia… we don’t get it until May 1st!

  3. gdsjak says:

    sorry this isnt about the article but what the helll has happened to the art thing? its like stuffed up. and no one goes on this site anymore 🙁

  4. krebbe says:

    The art thing? Do you mean fanart:

    If you mean the different themes, we’re aware of that issue. Some site features have been having errors due to a change of hosting we had to make as the volume of traffic to the site exceeded the bandwidth capacity of our previous provider. ‘No one’ going here apparently puts a big strain on our resources.

  5. Aletheia Dolorosa says:

    It amuses me that there are two comments to this story on the Times website, and they manage to be about Canberra. Canberrans are taking over the world!

    hmm, not sure if that’s relevant…

    *hides from the mods*

  6. Kincuri says:

    What the heck…

    Is Canberra relevant?

    It sure is!

    I live in Canberra! 😮

    I’ve lived in South Canberra, Tuggeranong to be specific, my whole life!

    I’m not even the Juliet that made the comment, but yes, Pullman has penetrated Canberra, I even went out and bought Laurie Frost’s Definitive Guide on Wednesday (an excellent purchase, may I add)