New Line saga to continue?
Posted on by Ian

We reported last week that it was rumoured that New Line Cinema was to be broken up and the founders sacked by owners Warner Brothers. Later in the week it was said that Warner Brothers had officially denied this in an email. However, in one of her latest blogs on Deadlinehollywood, Nikki Finke says that Bob Shaye and Michael Lynne are still on the way out and that their replacement is to be Terry Semel, former chairman of Yahoo. You can read the blog here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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22 Responses to New Line saga to continue?

  1. Karine says:

    When I first heard of GC being adapted in the big screen, I was reassured to know NLC was behind it. But having seen what they’ve done to it.. I hope this is really going to happen.

  2. foulksy says:

    i so hope this is true!!

  3. Liz says:

    AAAUUGGHH i cant stand this anymore.

    Is shaye staying on or isnt he?

    Are they making sequels or not?

    Whats the matter with them? just announce it already!!!!!!!

  4. Conor says:

    I’m really worried now. Tell me this please, if they are makeing these changes will they affect on HOW the movie being made. Like how auditions are going to be heald, how the movie is foing to be adapted etc.

    i would realy like to know… scratch that i realy NEED to know. So if you’d as to be so kind and explain to me what exactly will happen.


  5. Ashe says:

    I’m not sure who to believe now. I’m so confused!

    I just want to hear word about the sequels. Either way, it will be nice to know.

  6. Ian says:

    Dude, there are more important things in life – this is a film! We’ve not got a clue what will happen because we don’t work for New Line Cinema, TimeWarner or any other film organisation. We’re a fan-based community!

    Read the article again – it tells you what you want to know. Whether that’s true or not, who knows.

  7. pineapple says:

    Either they change it or they shouldn’t bother with the sequels. (wasn’t exactly impressed with the movie)

  8. Conor says:

    where you talking about me ian? because if you where, i’m just letting you know that if the sequals do take place… well it will be life changing for me, hopefully. But then again it might not, but it will for someone else. and it all depends on wether they are doing these films.

  9. Karine says:

    Conor, aren’t you the one who wanted to audition for Will?

  10. Conor says:

    Yeah, i was… but they may not even hold the auditions to the public if warner bros is takeing over, so it’s a kinda hopeless dream with all thats happening. And even if they do hold it there’s a prox 1 in 3000 chance that ill get the part.

  11. ian (not Ian) says:

    Any news on the DVD’s and Directors Cut? Because New Line should have released OFFICIAL info on, at least, the DVD’s.

  12. ian (not Ian) says:

    Like what the extra footage contains in detail.

  13. Karine says:

    The dvds are available on Amazon but there are no details on the content. And no covers.

  14. Ian says:

    On the DVD front: Only the stuff that you’d expect this early on (see the news story a few stories down) – so very little detail. No director’s cut as yet though. They’ll probably make this a bit of a cash cow.

  15. John L says:

    Who cares? I saw a trailer for the new Narnia and it looks AWESOME

  16. Ian says:

    Um, this is an His Dark Materials fansite, so I imagine there are a fair few people who care?

  17. John L says:

    Sorry, but I refuse to be stuck in a time warp. Out with the old and in with the new. When the sequels come out, I’ll tout them. I’m tired of TGC…enough, already.

  18. Karine says:

    I’m looking forward to Prince Caspian but I don’t go around and post off-topic comments on a GC website about it…

  19. Ian says:

    John L; you forget that TGC (real title Northern Lights) is a novel. And while many of us here don’t give two hoots about the film we keep coming back because of our mutual interest in the series of books. We’re not just going to stop liking it because a film has come and gone. You clearly have problems with your attention span if you can’t keep an interest in something for longer than five minutes.

  20. Foulksy says:

    One week without news??

    PLZ DONT have another month with no news again!!!

  21. Conor says:

    John L you’re right, out of thousands of people here, on this website,this hdm fansite not one person cares about the golden compass.. or the subtle knife.. or the amber syglass… heck half of us hav’nt even heard of them and thought this was a porn website. that’ll be just propostruous if we did care. but wait… i-i-i.. i just realised something… something so good and pure… we do care =o=o OMG NO WAY!!

  22. georgia says:

    i love these books so much! i was wonderin wen th auditions for the second film are and if it is open audtion? i really want to be an actress plz let me know!!!!(im 13 and have only ever done acting at skool do u think i stand a chance?)