Movie changes hit press
Posted on by Ian

Today’s Observer newspaper covers the recent controversy surrounding the changes to The Golden Compass movie in an easy-to-read format which summarises the somewhat confusing comings and goings of New Line in recent days. The article, ‘Religion row hits Pullman epic’ can be read here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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12 Responses to Movie changes hit press

  1. Shanti says:

    That sucks. Really, though, what could we expect?

  2. drama queen says:

    journalists are just annoying…………
    any way on the 20th of November there is a program about the film………..
    dunno what channel though…………..

  3. Christy says:

    yeah it does suck and not all journalists are annoying

  4. EMMA says:

    grrr that was expected though. those catholics really need to realize its just a story…not some evil plan to make us all atheists.

  5. Blain says:

    I’m glad someone from the Secular Society has the nerve to speak out against these changes and I think more of us should follow his example. no matter what, i will be in theaters to see the film, i just with that hollywood and, more importantly, tyrannical religious bodies will have the decency to stop smothering anything and everything that contradicts them. it’s fear… that’s all.

  6. Blain says:

    We have already seen the majority of religious elements either watered down or removed completely from this film. While many true fans of the series will still be able to see them for what they are, says director Chris Weitz, they are now removing the three final, and most vital chapters, from the film. The scenes will be shifted to the beginning of The Subtle Knife, if it is even made, but with serious loses to The Golden compass. As we all know, these three chapters (Lord Asriel’s Welcome, Betrayal, and The Bridge to the Stars) are vital in explaining the entire plot of the following two stories, and by removing them, they are essentially removing the true essence of the entire novel. We have already been censored enough! Please help us petition New Line to retain the final scenes! Thanks to every HDM fan for their help.. Please invite everyone you know to help us! Click below to sign:

  7. Kinders says:

    Unfortunately, those leading the NSS are not the loveliest of people. They often take their secularism to a level of vindictive, smug self-righteousness that isn’t necessary and tends to overwhelm the reasonable points that they’re trying to make.

  8. Will says:

    I thought you were a member, Kinders?

  9. Max says:

    Well, let’s look on the bright side. If the movie is a success, it is more likely they will make the next two. And if they make the next two, you tell me how they can alter the final epic battle between mankind and heaven to be religion-friendly. Let them water down the first movie to dupe ignorant religious zealots into loving the story. Then, maybe they’ll read the books, and still go see the movies even if they’re anti-religious. Spreading the message is more important than maintaining accuracy. We’ve all read the books, and we know that movies can never match a book no matter how closely the follow the author’s plot/themes/etc.

  10. Christy says:

    Yeah I agree with what emma says, i am catholic, not a strong one but still, its just a story, its not like its real life or anything.

  11. Danni says:

    I agree with Max. All of these posts are really making me not want to look at this site any more. I am a huge fan of the books and what they represent, but this is a movie we are talking about. Yes, it is sad that the reasons for the alterations are mainly because some of the population will cause a stink, but many of Pullman’s basic messages are there. Many people who see the movie will go read the books and most likely love them as well. It makes me upset when fans get so mad and angry about film adaptations. The film will never match the book 100% but I, as a book fan, will love the movie any way.

  12. Michael says:

    This film will not change the books! And millions will read them if the film is a success. Yes, it is only a story, but this story paints a pretty good picture of the organised religion. It will make people think. If the film helps getting the message out, it is good. Whether it does that by telling it or by selling the books doesn’t matter.
    Some things work better in books than in films.Look at the Potter films. The books have a lot more depth (and sex jokes), the films have the action.
    The trailers for TGC look great! But I don’t expect gay angels drowning killer-priests!