Keeping the film on track
Posted on by jessia

Director Chris Weitz spoke to Gina Piccalo from the Los Angeles Times over the phone from Abbey Road where the Golden Compass’ film score is being recorded. On adapting the book, he said, “If you properly adapt a book, you should do a miniseries of it. But that’s financially impossible. So you’re working in the movie form. You are reducing it to its essentials without making it feel rushed. That’s the tough thing.”
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In a second article for the LA Times, Piccalo describes the different critics the film is facing, Britain’s National Secular Society and America’s Catholic League alike. However, “Thus far, [Catholic League President] Donahue’s blanket mailing to media and other religious groups of his exhaustive 30-page brochure titled “The Golden Compass: Agenda Unmasked” seems to have done little more than help promote the film.” This longer article also speaks to many other concerns for the film, “Riding on the coattails of this fancy yarn are hundreds of millions of dollars, more than a few careers and the loyalties of an army of fans. But if New Line gets this one right, look out Harry, little Lyra’s going to give you a run for your money.”
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About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
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7 Responses to Keeping the film on track

  1. ian says:

    I dont care what critics say about the so called *sacreligous* or *atheist* elements!! I judge a movie by what I see!!! Not by what some crazy people say about it!! THIS IS A FANTASY!!!!

  2. jessia says:

    that’s basically what donna freitas says in the second article. except maybe more eloquently. the value of hdm is not its supposedly atheist, secularist message, but the fantastic quality of its story.

  3. Kevin says:

    Has there been any rumors as to how long the movie is going to be? I have not seen one thing about it and a rumor should have come out by now.

  4. ian says:

    as well as the rating.

  5. jessia says:

    well considering that they’re still recording the film score, it means the final product isn’t out yet, which means it can’t be timed or rated by the *many* movie-rating agencies that exist internationally.

  6. movie rating is very important and i always look for a good movie rating before i watch it ::

  7. movie ratings really depend on how cool the movie is, i usually rate movies depending on the story line ~-: