Full Trailer now online at Yahoo
Posted on by Merlyn

Yahoo! movies have just posted the full trailer, which premiered this evening at the Rockefeller Centre. The trailer includes confirmation of Christopher Lee as a member of the magisterium, new clips of the armoured bears (with Ian McKellen voicing Iorek, as the teaser suggested), the battle outside of Bolvangar, and Svalbard. View the trailer.

About Merlyn

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61 Responses to Full Trailer now online at Yahoo

  1. Ben(hoobits) says:


    This links to a larger flash version on yahoo.


  2. Leif says:

    Well, it’s all coming together now. Other than Iorek now sounding way too old, it seems excellent.

  3. tato says:

    and those lights?it seem the final from the book is in it

  4. Zelda_Dude92 says:

    So are they referring to the alethiometer only as “The Golden Compass” now? They have changed so much from the book that I already can tell, but it still looks great! I knew they never would be able to make everything exactly like the book…so I am excited to see how it differs.

  5. tato says:

    no, for sure this was just for the trailer, for sure. 😀

  6. Brian says:

    I certainly do hope all those GC references were for the trailer and they did not expunge all references of the alethiometer for the final film. I imagine it was just for advertising. And all those shots from the ending hopefully indicate those rumors about the ending being cut out for the next film are false. Oh, and I like the new Magisterium Tower much better than the old, glass one.

  7. Par says:

    Meh it looks like they erased all mention of “alethiometer”. Too big a word for the masses, aye?

  8. Ashe says:

    You can tell its been dubbed just for the trailer. Not ONCE do you see someone actually say “golden compass”. They haven’t changed the name.

  9. ian says:

    Exellant!!! Oooh thank god its not PG rated! Everything is good except Mrs. Coulter being the leader of the Magisterium! They changed the battle scene (“bears”). I like how they made iofur (ragnar) have different armor!!!

  10. Par says:

    I hope you are right, Ashe.

    The Catholic League is trying to get some wheels spinning.

  11. Aryl says:

    I think the Mrs. Coulter being the head of the Magisterium thing is also specifically for the trailer; the Magisterium is mentioned several times, but the trailer never goes into the Oblation Board or the “Gobblers,” so I assume they just kept using Magisterium to keep things less confusing. And again, when Dakota speaks this line, she is off screen, so I’m sure it was specially dubbed for the trailer.

  12. hoobits says:

    If I am not mistaken Lyra does say something about the Gobblers in an earlier teaser or perhaps the comic con preview. All of this “golden compass” stuff is dubbing specifically for the trailer, absolutely.

  13. Blain says:

    well, looks better than i thought… i agree that the changes about the GC and Magisterium were dubbed in for the flow of the trailer. from what i can see, they’ve added some additional scenes not mentioned in the book, but i think the overall flow looks good! hopefully now that the northern lights made it into the trailer, they will have the sense not to change that.

  14. virgile says:

    impressive despite the dumbing down to have broader appeal

  15. seanie says:

    O…M…F….G ive never been more excited for a film…

    “is that ALLLLL!?”

  16. Lux says:

    Despite all the cutting, the watering down, the new final, etc. I have to say that I’m excited anyway 😀

  17. Gabez says:

    Looks awesome! Can’t wait!

  18. Jess says:

    it looks amazing! i’m so excited!
    just read the link earlier in the page and it’s just ridiculous! to start a nation wide campaign against philip pullman’s work is ludicrous! last time i checked we had freedom of speech, and not once in the book does it make any reference to this world and religion being linked! it’s set in a parralel world!

  19. green ink says:

    First impression: very big and very loud. It’s chockfull of action and I really hope all the dumbing down has been done purely to make the trailer more accesable for audiences unfamiliar with the books. I don’t think I’ve heard the word daemon either.
    But as a trailer I hope it works in getting lots of people interested in seeing the film. That’s the main thing.
    Hopefully the film will still be great. As for what is in it, I’m rather confused about that now. It seems rather silly to release the final trailer with lots of footage from something you’re not going to have in the film.

  20. Caitlyn says:

    uuuuuugh! i’m so angry they changed iorek’s voice! as much as i love sir ian, i HATE him as iorek. He sounds so old and weak, and not like a bear. grrrrrrrrrrr.
    Sigh. But other than that, looks like all the daemons are coming along nicely and im liking the new footage.

    Grr. I want Anonso back.

  21. Jamie Sutherland says:

    Hey has anyone got a link to where I can download the HD trailer to my desktop rather than having to continually download it every time? The above link doesn’t download to my harddrive. Thanks.

    I like the trailer. I would still have prefered Nonso as Iorek and I am in the process of contacting the man to lend our support to him if anyone else is interested?

    Not sure how the end change will work, but nevermind!! Hopefully this will all work out for the best!

  22. Energy says:

    Jamie Sutherland – not sure if I’m allowed to post the links, but I’ll explain how to do it then give you the links. Each time you click a link you get a file called qtlHD.qtl, open that file in notepad or something and it is basically a webpage. Just cut out the bit with the link to the file and save it from there…

    So right click and save these if you want them:
    http://playlist.yahoo.com/makeplaylist.dll?sid=46332584&embedded=yes&t=mov&br=10300&s=950751790&start=0&end=&afr=0&nodeid=4451176&d=190&tz=&pg=MTM2ODE2ODU3NjQ3MGNhMD&authid=&sl=190&so=%252FYahoo%252FMovies%252FTrailers%252FThe%2BGolden%2BCompass%252Ffinaltrailer%2528HD%2529&tcode=&sdm=web&pt=rd (1080)

    As for the trailer, i’m praying that Ashe is right, or that’s another poor decision by new line about this film.

  23. Energy says:

    Opps i screwed the comments >_

  24. Luis says:

    And I also think that “the golden compass” businness is just for the trailer. Here at Brazil, the first teaser trailer was shown -and the word “alethiometer” was translated into “bússola de ouro” (golden compass). I think it´s natural to try and make a connection with the title of the film.

    And I´m still waiting for an actual Chris Weitz comment. Sorry, but I don´t trust His Dark Materials.org or anything. They´ve got a fucking website -and that´s a website and blog are for: communicating. Treat any rumour as just Homer bullshit, then.

  25. Diolmhain says:

    Hope will be shattered, fans will be dissapointed, pockets will be lined

    The Golden Compass
    Coming December 2007

  26. Kinders says:

    Meant to post this here:

    I’m with the majority who think that involving McKellen was a nasty gimmick and the result will just be distracting. How many more people will see it because of McKellen’s involvement?

    I like the music in the trailer a lot more than previous versions.

  27. tari says:

    ian mentioned that he’s glad its not a PG film. i was wondering if anyone knew where this information comes from, i cant find the rating anywhere.

    ps trailer looks amazing, glad it concentrates on lyra most of the time and not just the ‘stars’ like nicole kidman and daniel craig.

  28. Aryl says:

    I suppose that I’m in the minority re: the casting of Ian McKellen. While Nonso Anozie’s voice may have been very good and was probably the best voice for the job, McKellen–judging by the trailer–will do just fine, and I hope that it *does* bring more people to the theater.

    The thing is, there has been a gross influx of fantasy film lately, both as original works and as adaptations of books, something we can attribute to the success of the LOTR films and the HP franchise. HDM, unlike most of the others, is of a superb quality and is kind of getting shafted anyway, simply because, by now, lots of people are sick of the “child goes on a quest to save the world” thing. The December release will combat this, since it’s such a big movie-watching–and especially family movie-watching–time, but, to the average moviegoer, this film may seem just mixed in with all the other mediocre ones. We fans, of course, know better, but your Average Joe doesn’t, and as sympathetic as I am toward Anozie for his admittedly abrupt dismissal, I’m mostly glad that they cast McKellen, simply to add to the list of names that will get people in the theater. I saw a comment on McKellen’s board on IMDb this morning that said something to the effect of: “I just saw the new trailer for The Golden Compass, and I didn’t know McKellen was in it–I was always interested in seeing this, but I’m now I’m WAY excited!” If this is what we can expect from people who are mildly interested in or even unfamiliar with the movie but who are fans of McKellen, then…great! Ultimately, I certainly don’t think he will decrease the quality of the film, and it looks like he might bring in viewers who otherwise might have stayed far, far away.

    If we should be worrying about anything, it’s not McKellen; it’s this supposed shift of the ending of TGC to the beginning of TSK. I still don’t know if this is actually happening–footage in the trailer seems to suggest otherwise–but I would think this would be a more jarring change than McKellen’s casting.

  29. Evie says:

    I love the ending when Lyra shouts, “I’m not yours! I’ll never be yours!”
    Ahh..i can’t wait! 😀

  30. Corsair of Umbar says:

    I think it looks great and I got really excited watching it. For all those worrying about changes, please relax. Film and books are two different things. Get over it. I love Sir Ian and think his voice will be fantastic.

    Can’t wait to see it.

    P.S. Who cares whether it’s called the Golden Compass or the Alethiometer? Big deal.Whether it’s just for the trailer or the film itself, it certainly isn’t a cause for alarm.

  31. jammer says:

    You make an incredibly convincing point, Aryl. Hopefully this will be the case. And as much as I did like Anozie, I can easily deal with McKellen.

  32. Brian says:

    I personally think changing it from alethiometer to GC is a very big deal if they did it for the final film and not just the trailer, which I imagine is not the case. GC oversimplifies what the alethiometer is. This trailer will probably have a wider release than the previous one, so I guess I can understand the changing of it for the trailer for advertising purposes. It would not be a smart move to change it within the film, especially since in some countries The Golden Compass is not the title at all.

  33. evening star says:

    looks pretty cool, seems to be summarising the story alot lol. Daemons looking great.

    i agree with Aryl Ian McKellen will bring in the crowds, evem though Nonso had a strong warrior voice. New Line need this cause if not a hit The Subtle Knife will not be made (my favourite of the series).

    i just hope i’m not too disappointed and that the watering down is minimal even better no watering down.

  34. kyrillion says:

    Mrs. coulter running the Magesterium? The alethuometer lets you ‘glimpse what is to come’? What’s going on? There weren;t these sorts of deviations in previous trailers! It’s like they’ve changed stuff (like referring constantly to ‘the golden compass’ just to annoy fans. Have they had a sudden attack of doubt in the audiences mental capabilities?

  35. green ink says:

    If by they you mean the executive producers, then yes. That is if a certain source at New Line s to be believed. And he did get a few things right, so it’s quite likely.
    But hopefully these deviations were just made so that audiences unfamiliar with the story wouldn’t be too confused.
    Nonetheless it doesn’t bode well for the film.

  36. jammer says:

    people quit freaking out. A lot of this stuff is trailer only, and the “glimpse to come” bit is not too horrible. Sure it’s not entirely accurate or whatever, but it isn’t insultingly off.

  37. Luis says:

    You’re putting the wheels with cars before your horses, gentlem’n! Let´s wait for the film (and, what´s most necessary: confirmation from New Line about the storyline´s changes).

    As for the details, it´s really necessary to make changes in them if you´re going to create a story based in a book. Otherwise, dramatic reading would do that.

  38. tato says:

    sou do brasil tb luis, haha, agreed; changes im with you, its necessary, but the end no, i think it must be in the movie, theres no such GOOD end as that, for sure 😀

  39. Carly says:

    At first I sided with the majority here, that casting Ian Mckellen was a bad move. After watching the trailer a second time I felt more charitable; although I liked Nonso Anozie in the previous trailer, Mckellen will probably do a great job regardless. I think the part that bothers me is the studio pulling this at the last minute; obviously it’s alienating fans and is an huge rudeness to the original voice actor.
    Still, with any luck, the film should be magnificent. Hopefully, despite all the innacuracies, it will be loyal to the spirit of the books.

  40. Corsair of Umbar says:

    Wow, I just watched it a second time after a break of a few hours and I still get goosebumps. Sure, I love the books, and just like Lord of the Rings, they will always be there. But I can understand how major movie studios make changes to fit what they see as reaching the largest possible market. Is it dumbing it down a little bit? Well, sure. They are trying to get as many people in to see it as possible.

    Independent films and studios have the power to not make those kinds of changes, and stay true to the text, but alas, they don’t have the money to make LotR and TGC.

    I’m still happy, though. I just look at film adaptions of books as interpretations. Things have to be shifted around and moved and changed because films are different than books. Anyway, for everyone crying doom, just try to enjoy the film as an interpretation. I’m sure you’ll still like it.

  41. ian says:

    Sorry about the previous post, I just assumed it wasn’t rated PG. I guess I was excited. 🙂

  42. ian says:

    I’m not to sure about Farder Coram at scene 1:44. He looks kind of weird.

  43. max alexandre says:

    Luis e tato: é gratificante “vê-los” aqui…
    To all fans: confirmation from New Line about the storyline´s changes is most necessary. Whatever comes, the new trailer make me hope for the best from the Great (for sure)Golden Compass Movie. Remember: Lord of The Rings didn’t follow the story line, and was so excited.
    Anyway, i still have fait to see Lyra walking to the bridge to the stars.
    I am afraid about Alexandr Desplat. Will he do a great job like Howard Shore?
    So…let’s look for dust!

  44. Kieran Clarke says:

    No there is definately a scene where the master tells Lyra it is called an Alethiometer, it’s in the original teaser. As with regards to McKellan, i still don’t think the glove fits the hand but I may get used to it.
    It seems they’ve made a minor thematic shift from the church to the magisterium being the bad guys. Any ideas?
    Also Freddie Highmore as Pan seems to just feel right now, even though I was emphatically against his casting in the first place. And is it just me, or does Mrs Coulter’s deamon’s face seem to change slightly in every shot / promotional photo? – going from black face to pink.

  45. holl says:

    Diolmhain says:

    Hope will be shattered, fans will be dissapointed, pockets will be lined

    The Golden Compass
    Coming December 2007

    I feel sick. its….sterile. Im not going to be able to see it. It actually turns my stomach. Bit dramatic I know! McKellan is a disgrace

  46. Justin says:

    Kieran Clarke – That very scene where they mentioned the alethiometer was shown in this trailer, and word “alethiometer” was dubbed out.
    The shift from the Church to the Magisterium has always been there. Although I’m sort of upset that they’re making the message less blunt, I guess it’s very unlikely that any movie that directly attacks the Catholic Church will go too far without the persecution of one of the more powerful political bodies in the world.
    As for Mrs. Coulter’s Daemon…all daemons are still more or less “under construction”. At least until around this point. CGI is a very fluid process. While they said that most things are locked in by now, don’t be surprised if there are still some minor tweaks. All CGI in any movie trailer is merely work-in-progress.

  47. vijay krishna says:

    i hope they are true to the book……..
    i hope they included religion the way it is in the book

  48. georgie says:

    par, i clicked on the link you put up. i cant believe the catholics have to act up like this!! his dark materials is a STORY, not something evil thats trying to convert children into athiests.

  49. Selkie says:

    To be honest, I didn’t really notice the church’s role besides being a domineering power in the first book.
    I don’t think we should be too concerned with dumbing down the religious element in this film (other than being an overbearing power), since it only seems to emerge as an important feature in the other books.

    Who knows, there could be an entire devotion to this element in the later films!

  50. Ian Landry says: