New Line are running “For Your Consideration” adverts for The Golden Compass in the LA Times. These adverts typically run in entertainment trade publications and are specifically directed towards members of groups in the entertainment industry – especially those who get to vote in deciding the Oscars. Here’s one such ad:

Can’t wait to see the add for best supporting actress, Nicole Kidman!
The light behind Lyra is shaped like a cross.
this poster looks great!!
good observation wen
Which only goes to confirm what we’ve known for ages – from Day One it’s been All About The Bears.
Why must every scene be changed to daytime?
Well Golden Compass was certinaly a more entertaining film than the eventual Best Picture winner that year, No Country for Old Men. It’s a shame that Compass wasn’t huge stateside. I rekon if Lord Asriel was played by Mad Men’s John Hamm, Americans might have been interested.