Film Strip Contest
Posted on by Ian

Bridgetothestars has a limited number of strips of film from The Golden Compass movie to give away. All you have to do is email us at with the answer to the following question.

What is the UK title of ‘The Golden Compass’?

Please entitle the subject of the email as ‘Film Strip Contest’, and please remember to give your full name and address details so that we can post it to you if you win!

All entries must be made by 12.00pm GMT tomorrow.

Edit: This is open to everybody worldwide.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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7 Responses to Film Strip Contest

  1. advo says:

    Can you enter from Denmark?

  2. George Beahm says:

    A clarification: This are seven frames (approximately) of the actual film strip of the movie’s official trailer, inserted in a see-through bookmarker. So this is official footage cut from the trailer sent out to theaters worldwide.

  3. baltaje says:

    i think i got this… unless everyone’s lyra poster came with film strips in a transparent bookmark?


  4. Energy says:

    ooooh i want one a set 🙂

    baltaje – what poster are you talking about?

  5. Mapthestars says:

    This might be a little silly question but did you want the UK title of the movie or the book? I think it was the book so I sent in the book title. just wondering what you all put

  6. Pingback: The Golden Compass | Film Strip Contest Winners | His Dark Materials | BridgeToTheStars.Net

  7. daemon_light says: