Daemons in The Golden Compass Videogame
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Gamespy have a new gameplay video of The Golden Compass videogame. It shows the game’s “daemon mechanic”, which entails using Pantalaimon to solve various puzzles and progress through the game environment. This video has Pan in sloth form. You can watch it below.

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13 Responses to Daemons in The Golden Compass Videogame

  1. Mr Anderson says:

    I wasn’t aware Lyra was an Olympic gymnast.

  2. Skye says:

    (@ above) Most characters in book-to-movie-to-game adaptations aren’t, but what else would they do in a video game?

    This reminds me very strongly of Zelda: Twilight Princess, with Lyra/Link being led over chasms by Pan/… That thing.
    I’m hoping someone knows what I’m talking about.

  3. This game could have been good if it were something like a point-and-click adventure game.

  4. Will says:

    Sadly those aren’t really made anymore. We should totally make our own.

    I get the TP reference, Skye. I wasn’t aware sloths are so *elastic* ..

  5. Annabel says:

    Whoaaa! Lyra and pan are superheros!

  6. pineapple says:

    Ewww… I don’t like this at all. I liked most of the other stuff they’ve shown for the game but this just seems stupid… Lyra didn’t ever go flying off some cliff thing with pan as a sloth, and I don’t see why they’d ever have to. I don’t want them changing the story-line too much just to make the game into a second “Tomb Raider”……….. Besides, Lyra would have broken her back more than once just then..

  7. We should make our own? How do we go about that then eh? I would if I knew how!!

  8. Dukeleto says:

    Jamie you’re right it’d suit a point-and-click adventure much better, but unfortunately if a 7 year old can’t play it it’ll never sell in quantities to justify the cost of the licence, sigh.
    As for making our own, that’s a fantastic idea, the old Lucasarts SCUMM engine would be the way to go, I hear there’s open source software for developing with it…

  9. Donna says:

    This is getting rediculous. I’d much rather drive the character with them RIGHT in front of me, with a view of the landscape as Lyra would see it, not all these ludicrous wide angle shots and unrealistic obstacles.
    Looks like its going to be worse than the Potter franchise games 🙁

  10. Zen Blade says:

    OMG! It’s “JaX3” !!! No, wait, that’s just Lyra swinging on a…Elastic Pan??? Seriously, Skye is right. What else are they going to in video games? ^_*

  11. Brian says:

    Her name might as well be Lyra Croft for the game.

  12. Elasti-Sloth! says:

    Somebody please tell me this is a joke.

  13. Eric D. says:

    I hope this won’t be as bad as the Chronicles of Narnia game.