Claudia FitzHerbert talks to Philip Pullman
Posted on by Ian

This month’s Literary Review carries a detailed interview with Philip Pullman with Claudia Fitzherbert in which he discusses not only his work, but also his views on the wider world in general – on some issues in greater depth than we have really seen for a long time. The Guardian books blog also carries a blog and discussion about the “more adult” Pullman that seems to have come forward within this interview, which you can read here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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3 Responses to Claudia FitzHerbert talks to Philip Pullman

  1. Haley says:

    Wonderful interview! I appreciated it very much. I just love the way he speaks (er, writes). He’s so passionate about everything.

  2. Will says:

    Nice find, Ian. Pullman does give very good interviews. I’ll have to pass this on to Ceres!

    “It already happens on the Internet. It’s called fan fiction: there are six hundred or so already doing it, maybe more now. Bloody nerve, isn’t it?”

    I suspect it was tongue-in-cheek. :p

  3. Skye says:

    “The problem for those who think there’s an anti-religious anti-moral bias in the books comes when they haven’t actually read the books: of course there’s a criticism of organised theocratic tyrannical religion but who can disagree with that?”

    I’ve been waiting for him to just come out and say this for a while. Thank you!