Banned Books Week Begins in the US
Posted on by krebbe

September 27 marks the start of a week long celebration of freedom to read and opposition to censorship. According to the American Library Association, more than 400 books were challenged in 2007. The Golden Compass came in at #4 most challenged, with the primary complaint being its “religious viewpoint”. The week will feature displays in public libraries and events with authors reading sections from their favourite banned or challenged books.

The censorship issue has been a topical one, appearing in the 2008 US presidential elections when it was revealed that Republican Vice-President nominee Sarah Palin had once enquired to her town librarian about the procedure for banning books with inappropriate language, although there have not been any reports of further action being taken. The controversy surrounding The Golden Compass movie is also fresh in the minds of His Dark Materials fans, with the “misdirected” attacks lamented by Mr Pullman for their effect on the film’s box office receipts in the US.

Further details about the anti-censorship week can be found on the banned books website.

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7 Responses to Banned Books Week Begins in the US

  1. Serafina_tikklya says:

    Ah give a list! I have to find some good books to read, and those on the banned books list are usually great!

  2. Skye says:

    The public library and the other college in town are having events for banned books week, but mine isn’t. 🙁
    I wish I could just skip class to go to the readings they’re having.

  3. Gobbler says:

    I am gob smacked how people take things so seriously, the Phillip Pullman books in the series of the Golden Compass sequel have won some of the most prestigous awards know for books surely this must tell you something. The film was a fantasy film about a young girl and her best friend going off into another world which is full of excitement. I can not believe that the americans attackeed this film before even going to see it. But the Americans bought DVD worth $11million and it took $7million in rental DVD`S whos trying to kid who. The Film was a great success around the rest of the world and the sequels will be even bigger if they make them. If not it will be at the financial loss of the film company and most importantly the FANS.

  4. Greg says:

    This is really nice. I’m glad that we can fight back against those like Sarah Palin who would ban books. Now if only I had the time to read…

  5. Pingback: The Golden Compass | Pullman thankful censorship never works | His Dark Materials | BridgeToTheStars.Net

  6. Kandy Hansen says:
