Philip Pullman writes in Guardian
Posted on by Ian

Philip Pullman writes in the ‘Review’ section of today’s Guardian newspaper about the impending categorisation of children’s books which we wrote about a few days ago. Pullman describes how he felt when he was first informed of this developement, and his disappointment at discovering that not all authors have had the opportunity to opt out. At Aidan Chambers suggestion, Pullman, Anne Fine and Adèle Geras have started a statement of disavowal, which can be found at To read more click here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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6 Responses to Philip Pullman writes in Guardian

  1. Smiffy says:

    Well I’ve signed up to this thing

  2. Matt says:

    Listen this has nothing to do with this topic but what age will Will have to be in the second film, if Dakota is 14 by the time they start filming. I am 15 but turn 16 this month I really am the character. But i was just wandering

  3. caguei-me toda says:

    Puede ser una cosa mui absurda, mas em mi teria el todo se puede piensar.
    Como puede un doce ser mas doce que uno doce be botato duece?
    Que viene El la Faca Sutil, so es assi que me cagarei toda!!!

  4. TheRealNeo says:

    I wrote a review on Very short, but I gave the movie 5 stars and expressed that the dvd sales are important. Maybe some more can do this, so the overall expression of the movie on is better and some more consider to buy it. And with the yes-button of “Was this review helpful to you?” we can push our reviews on the front page.

    We have to try everything we can. Come on!

  5. ..... says:

    lack of news..

    i need to know details on subtle knife auditions..

  6. Ian says:

    There are no details. Please use your eyes before posting.