Pullman answers questions on the Today Show
Posted on by jessia

Today, Philip Pullman appeared on NBC to speak to Al Roker who features the Golden Compass as his book club selection. As well as responding to accusations that his books are “atheism for kids,” and speaking about what he hopes his readers take up from the books, he also answers some of his readers’ questions. “As for the atheism, it doesn’t matter to me whether people believe in God or not, so I’m not promoting anything of that sort. What I do care about is whether people are cruel or whether they’re kind, whether they act for democracy or for tyranny, whether they believe in open-minded enquiry or in shutting the freedom of thought and expression.” The website also features video from the interview and questions from elementary school students participating in Al’s Book Club. Click here to read more and see the video.

About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
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