EW Holiday Preview
Posted on by jessia

This week, Entertainment Weekly features the Golden Compass in its annual Holiday Movie Preview as “the Spectacle.” Comparing his work on the film to that of portraying James Bond, Daniel Craig calls it easy: “I don’t have to fall over as much.” The issue hits newsstands Friday.

ew1.jpg ew2.jpg ew3.jpg

About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
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3 Responses to EW Holiday Preview

  1. Mary says:

    The 3rd picture isn’t zooming in…weird.

  2. daemon_light says:

    iorek…is… AMAZING!! They need a poster of THAT!! Oh my God! that’s outstanding…

  3. jessia says:

    that was the best resolution available for the third scan. i think EW wants people to buy its magazine. =P