Oscar Buzz
Posted on by jessia

The critical buzz has already begun. Susan Wloszczyna of USA Today summarises the development of buzz for the 79th Academy Awards’ nominations and makes some predictions for next year’s awards. “The fun bunch: Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig star in the girl-centric fantasy His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass.” Thanks to randomthotz for the tip. Read more.

p.s. Apologies to those who had commentated on this post; we’ve moved to some new software and unfortunately this had to be the post to take the fall.

About jessia

Jess is a time and a place.
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13 Responses to Oscar Buzz

  1. Serpente says:

    excuse moi?
    Girl centric?
    Is this referring to Lyra being the main character or this film being centred to towards the young female demographic? Surely not.

  2. Caitlyn says:

    The fun bunch???? And placed alongside a Disney movie and a musical???
    Whoever wrote this article clearly does not know what His Dark Materials is really about

  3. silvertongue says:

    oi this is off topic but what happened to the numbers & letters we had to enter to put in a message ?? & what happened to the emotes ??



  4. aimee says:

    the email replaced the numbers and letters thingie…because that’s another form of authentication. an email address.

  5. silvertongue says:

    ooo it works






    hhehhe HA

  6. Sherry says:

    I am a recent “convert” to HDM. I swallowed the trilogy whole, so to speak, and was impressed and inspired. Have read some of the Lockhart material now, too. Anyway, at this point, I’m glad to see the upcoming film getting buzz. Of course, in the future, I hope more effort by the press is put into getting to know something about the film before making inane comparisons. But we cannot depend upon the press alone, or even advertising sponsored by the film company. The fervor and heart-felt belief in the source material by fans is what has made recent enterprises, such as LOTR and HP such huge successes. So it’s up to us to spread the interest.

  7. drama queen says:

    did i get it right

  8. rory says:

    I agree, the “girl-centric” bit is not accurate at all. I’m all for women’s rights and everything, but that’s not what HDM is really about.

  9. drama queen says:

    does any one know when the newsround interveiw of dakota is going to be……..
    girl centric?????? Caitlyn, i agree wid u

  10. aimee says:

    The reason most people haven’t read the series is that it’s relatively new. There are less books than Harry Potter and it’s newer than LOTR and Narnia…so therefore less people know about it. It would be a shame if most people’s first look at the first book was at the cinemas. We need to get the word out. We need to get people to read it. There BETTER be a good trailer!

  11. Lizzietiffon01 says:

    Completely off the subject, but today in WHSmiths i saw the new scholtastic cover designs on all three books. They’re paperback and look fantastic in person, though the old coverart is better. Sadly, i didn’t buy them, but there were only a few left on the shelves, so they seem to be popular.

  12. Witch-girl says:

    I’m seriously wanting to kick the author of that arcicle’s ass… *shakes head sadly*

  13. jessia says:

    don’t worry so much about “girl-centric.” you might not find it so significant but it is a fact that it is a story about a girl (and it’s been referred to as one many times dispelling concerns about religious content) and also that there are marketing and demographic concerns in play. there’ve been improvements but there still aren’t that many girls playing the lead role in good adventure stories. also, i think it might be significant that pullman keeps writing about girls in adventure roles, e.g. sally lockhart.

    i don’t think they’re implying the story is only a girl’s story, but just that it is, indeed, a story about a girl.