Pullman answers fan questions
Posted on by Bethan

To celebrate the Guardian’s new children’s books website, Philip Pullman answered some questions asked by his fans. He spoke about his atheism, his books, his influences, and he gave some advice to aspiring writers. To read the full interview, click here.

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3 Responses to Pullman answers fan questions

  1. Balthamos says:

    Very interesting read, I love the insight he’s giving on his writing process. I also appreciated his kind words towards the Golden Compass movie and the Harry Potter books – it hasn’t always been this way.
    He should re-read Lord of the Rings though – girls or women not having an important part in the story is a very farfetched criticism. What about Galadriel and Arwen? OK, there might be no warrior princesses fighting gender stereotypes… oh wait. Eowyn, anyone?

  2. Dawn says:

    Skye: Thanks for the tip, as always 🙂 We should have a post about that up soon.

    Balthamos: I don’t want to drag this comment thread horribly off topic, though if you’d care to step over into the “Other Books” section of our forum that wouldn’t be an issue. I just want to point out that Arwen is a very minor character in the original story and in my opinion should not be used in this argument. (I think it’s time for me to re-read that trilogy again, though; I haven’t since the last time I grew up)