Irish Stage Adaptation
Posted on by Will

Belvedere College, Dublin, will present Nicholas Wright's two play adaptation of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials in the O'Reilly Theatre at the college this March. The production will use the National Theatre's official music and armoured bear and harpy costumes. It will be the first time the play has been performed in Ireland. You can find more details here and a booking form here.

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13 Responses to Irish Stage Adaptation

  1. rosebud says:

    kl, but will the actors hav an irish accent…………… i luv the irish accent……………………………….

  2. Diolmhain says:


    I can see this Finally! I've been waiting so long!

    And in awnser to your question i don't think the actors will have an accent.

    By the way wich accent would this be? Cork? Dublin? Belfast?

  3. gmn says:

    i'm part of the cast of that, should be a great performance!

  4. Reedie_Belacqua says:

    wow! I want to see that 🙂

    but i can't :crying:

  5. IanG says:

    How exciting! 🙂

  6. silvertongue says:

    bahhahahahahaha lee scoresby with an irish accent haah!! :tongue:

  7. Skye says:

    What about March -2008-? That's when I'll be in in the UK for my England, Ireland, and Wales spring break trip!

  8. Verdruc says:

    Your idea of an Irish accent is most likely a stereotypical mess. But I can't wait to go, I'm just hoping I can get into Dublin for the shows (I live in Cork). I've wanted to see them ever since I heard there was a play. Unfortunately, the London Production had closed down by then but now i've got a 2nd chance!

  9. plechead says:

    im also on the production-should be good

  10. JV says:

    I saw the first part of the production last night and I can’t wait to see the second part. So what can I say? What single thing can I point out about this amazingly professional production? Lyra wore Converse All-Stars. It’s good to see they have those in L-World! Seriously though I was amazed by this brilliant production. Usually with school productions you have a complete mess because the actors suck, but there were barely any bad actors here. Well done and thank you.

  11. alex says:

    im going to see both parts tomorow!!!!!
    cant wait its gonna be awsome!!!!!!

  12. alex says:

    hey!!! (again)
    just read wat u sed JV!!!!!!!
    i looooooooov converse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i hav 3 pairs!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Dev says:

    Ah the Dublin show…
    Not a lot left to say, but that Fra Pavel guy was such a legend!!