A Visit to The Golden Compass Set
Posted on by Will

BridgetotheStars.net had the opportunity today to visit the set of the first His Dark Materials movie, The Golden Compass. New Line laid on a welcome and introduction by the filmmakers, presentations on the movie by various heads of department: costumes, production design, special effects, tours of the sets, observation of that day�s shooting, stunt presentations and a meet-and-greet with available talent and filmmakers – including Chris Weitz and Dakota Blue Richards. It's all very exciting stuff and you can read our extended impressions right here.

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34 Responses to A Visit to The Golden Compass Set

  1. rosebud says:

    🙂 wow we acctuly get to visit the set, how cool

  2. Heather_ says:

    I told my sister about Lizo. She's says you're a fool for not getting his autograph :tongue:

  3. booboo says:

    OMG this is so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. hoobits says:

    Great stuff! I am a wee bit more excited just because of all the great little details mentioned, but I still hold a ton of trepidation for the film.

  5. Green ink says:

    How thrilling! I just love the commitment and the attention to the little details. And I just love the description of London. I like how they're using a historical source for the design.

  6. jesssia says:

    o man i totally should've stolen your spot. 😛

  7. mysterygal says:

    wow thats amazing!!this is so awsome!and the GOLDEN COMPASS heading here at the top of the screen has the pattern of the alethiometer in it if anyone hasnt noticed.

  8. Silverfist says:

    I REALLY wanna see this film. Really. All the new stuff that comes out about it every other day just makes me wnat to see it even more. I hope that really soon, we get lotsa new pictures and a trailer. Really. We need a trailer.

  9. Libby says:

    I'm getting more and more excited, but I'm still not sure about this "futuristic" London business.

  10. Reedie_Belacqua says:

    that's so awesome! *o*
    guysss, you really should have asked for an autograph XDD

  11. me says:

    i feel like im reading so much about this movie and looking at so many stills from it that when it actually comes out…im going to be like…..well ive practically seen it already.

  12. crazy_stunt_girl says:

    It all sounds so great, except I too am skeptical about the "alchemical power". The one picture I didn't like from the compass on the site was the one with the weird carriage. It sounds just a little too far-fetched for the movie, but other than that it all sounds so exciting!! It's so encouraging how much interest New Line is taking in this film.

  13. Jammer says:

    This is definitely very encouraging. I am really looking forward to a trailer.

  14. mysterygal says:

    yeah,whoever can find a trailer first….PUT IT ON THIS WEBSITE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!!

  15. Witch-girl says:

    Oh, snap–the witches' outfits are purple now, they're saying? :wassat: :angry:

  16. Witch-girl says:

    I recently was searching on IMBD and found a few new stills of the movie, which I don't think we have here on BTTS as of right now. I sent them into the webmaster a few moments ago, and so hopefully he'll like them enough to let all of us see them… 😉

    Or maybe not. 🙁

  17. Reedie_Belacqua says:

    oe, i want to see those stills!

  18. Willl says:

    I emailed you Rachel. :tongue: They're just the same screens unfortunately.

  19. Witch-girl says:

    Oh, well, damn. :tongue: But now I've e-mailed you back, Will, with the name of that magazine I told you I saw, which had that entirely-new picture of Kidman as Marisa Coulter in it. 😉

  20. Kaneda says:

    Im glad they are trying not to stray into: epic fantasy. After the filth that was Eragon, people may be turned off by another epic fantasy.

    Yah alchemy is a bit wierd. It kind of makes me think some of the people working on TGC watched fullmetal alchemist.

  21. Reedie_Belacqua says:

    Fullmetal Alchemist!! ♥
    But this is his dar materials, not fullmetal… ò.ó

  22. Jack says:

    I'm still confused about the title. Is it going to be called "The Northern Lights" in the UK? IMDB seems to think so, but all recent news says "Golden Compass".

  23. Willl says:

    Jack – it's only ever been called The Golden Compass in official release, but we weren't sure until today whether that meant it'd have that title in all territories. Check the news item below this one – Pullman has confirmed it will.

  24. silvertongue says:

    ooooo im so excited man!!! woo cant wait!! please just pleeeeeeeeeeeeease release a trailer soon, ok!?

  25. Alewyn says:

    hadn't someone stated earlier that the trailer would be released with the newest harry potter movie?

  26. Jammer says:

    Yeah I think so. I forgot where I heard that though.

  27. tom in the bleak of scotland says:

    OMGZ!!!! Best movie ever – and only 11 months to go. i certainly like the sound of london, and the scenes seem to be sttcking very close, but not overfaithfully, to the book.


    didn't mange to sneak a camera in??

  29. seanie says:

    AHHHH… sam elliot's part.. i can imagine it now! and i am totally going to cheer at that part. exciting just to think!

  30. Luke says:

    I have a feeling we could have a teaser trailer soon. HP and the Order of the Phoenix got a teaser back in December, about eight months before release. I have a feeling we'll get a teaser in March or April with a full theatrical trailer with HP.

  31. mysterygal says:


  32. Tarantinoand says:

    Imagine being there… Im so so jealous… Gz to the one who was there! 😉

  33. anon says:

    I found some behind the scenes pics in Shepperton, just one of DBR though. Here's the site: http://www.pinewoodgroup.com/gen/z_sys_storyNews.aspx?intNewsId=51
    not too great, but you can see what the studio is like