Dakota Blue Richards Photo
Posted on by Ian

The first official picture of Dakota Blue Richards, who plays Lyra in The Golden Compass, has today been released by the New Line. She is seen in the photo with her on screen mother Mrs Coulter (Nicole Kidman). Feel free to discuss this more in the [link=http://www.bridgetothestars.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=203504]relevant thread[/link] on the message boards.

Read more on the CBBC site.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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132 Responses to Dakota Blue Richards Photo

  1. JoJo says:

    She looks perfect! And Nicole looks perfect as well! The look they are giving each other is….perfection.

    CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  2. BantamBuyer says:

    At last!!!

    She looks excellent – shame it's not a full face picture though.

    Everyone will have in their own minds an ideal image of how Lyra looks to them and I'm sure Dakota won't be exactly the same as that picture, but she looks ideal to me and I'm sure that very soon she will be the image of Lyra that everyone has.

    Incidentally, I'm also impressed with the look between Mrs Coulter and Lyra. The picture really highlights the scary nature of the relationship between them.

    Good luck Dakota and bring on the film

  3. Eyes says:

    Wow, New Line put out an official photo already?!?!?!?!? There are really going to push this puppy. Which is good.

    Oh and I love the photo. Nicole looks so perfectly icy and evil. And Dakota is so cute. Nice to finally get a good look at her.

  4. Alewyn says:

    I would just like to note that I went to see the National Theatre's Production of HDM. I also live in America and spent 6 months of my life convincing my parents to bring me. :wassat:

    Of course she doesn't look like I thought she did but, whatever, it happens. She and Nicole kinda look alike. That's good! And yes, I am forcing optimism out of myself.

  5. Sarah says:

    This is a really annoying photo, it's so hard to get a real idea of how she looks just from her profile. I'm concerned by the curly hair, but otherwise I'll reserve any real opinions for a proper photograph.

  6. PanFan says:

    Isn't Mrs. Coulter supposed to have dark hair? Other than that, perfect! You can see Lyra's all made up like a little doll. From the sparkling dress that Kidman has on, I'm guessing it's the cocktail party. Can't wait for more pics!!!! :laughing:

  7. MysticT says:

    You're right, in the book she really has dark hair, bis as Lyra´s mother a light hair color is more believable.
    The both look like i´ve ever imagined them^^ Great work, can´t wait for the movie to arrive here in germany…but this will take lot of time 🙁

  8. Annabel says:

    OMG!!!! Yay finally a pic of Dakota! She looks a little older than I imagined, but then again it's just a side view. This is either at the c'tail party, or maybe at the start when lyra first meets mrs coulter over dinner? Dunno, they've got it brilliant anyway 🙂

  9. Adiam21 says:

    Sag bloß du bist aus Deutschland,Cool :smile:Ja das ist wirklich blöd das man hier so lange warten muss.Ich hab ja nur Angst das die Synchro schlecht ist.
    Yes a picture of Lyra.From the side I cannot recognise a lot. So I do not want to "exile" her also immediately, am curious,how her whole face looks. But the teamwork of her and Nicole looks very good. Although,I will probably never stop to fancy Catherine Zeta-Jones :crying:. And anyhow I do not manage yet with Nicols colour of hair and hair length. :crying:

  10. the serpent says:

    🙂 OMG!!!! fianlly here!! Cant really see her face but expected more blonde hair :crying:
    but you cant have everything, its different for everyone. 😉 Mrs Coutler look sooo evil

  11. Vaka says:

    amazing. the chemistry between the characters…this is turning out so amazingly perfect… 🙂

  12. Vee says:

    FINALLY! :laughing:

  13. hoobits says:

    Well it is something… Still quite a tease but certainly, as I expected, Dakota as Lyra is at least in the ballpark in terms of looks for the fans, I think.
    Those curls are probably indeed for the cocktail party.

  14. Hazel.. says:

    At long last. We have a photograph.
    Not exactly a facial shot, but at least we can see Lyra. The most annoying thing is that my anticipation was built up so much- now i can finally see her all i can feel is hate for New Line. But i'll shut up and continue talking xD
    From what i can see, she looks pretty good. The curly hair is probably because, as PanFan said- she's all "made up" at Mrs Coulter.
    I'm content.

  15. silversong says:

    Darn. Niether of them look the way I imagined them. Lyra I can deal with, Coulter definitely has dark hair in the books. That's why it's clear Lyra takes after her father, because he's blond, and Coulter is brunette. Darn.

  16. Wixer says:

    I know this is about Dakota and all but I just can't get over the perfect look on Nicole's face.

    Ugh, she was born to play Mrs. Coulter.

  17. catherine says:

    hmmmm.. doesn't look exactly like i imagined her, curly hair esp. but u cant have everything, can u? The tension btween the two characters is great. looking 4ward to more piccies, mayb face on?

  18. Wixer says:

    I know this is about Dakota and all but I just can't get over the perfect look on Nicole's face.

    Ugh, she was born to play Mrs. Coulter.

  19. HDM Head 24-7 says:

    I could go and say that i think Dakota is bad or is not the way i pictured her, but i kinda feel bad for her. She has so much pressure on her. About half the world will go into this movie hateing her already cause she doesn't "look like what they pictured" Props to her, and im sure shell be great

  20. rats_rox says:

    I'm not saying that I would of looked better or anything but, as always, they mucked up my fav character AGAIN!!! Im sorry but not how i imagined her – sorry dakota. Also is it just me or is the whole this WAY to 1920s?

  21. Witchdoctor says:

    🙂 Dakota looks different than I would have pictured, but I think it works really well. Nicole Kidman looks amazing too. I can't wait for the movie!!!!

  22. Link says:

    All these people bashing the way characters look just because it's not what YOU thought it was going to look like make me laugh. Just because the filmmakers cannot read your mind doesn't give you a reason to hate. Nor does it mean that every other person feels the same as you.

    Grow up.

  23. Lu says:

    First time I'm posting, but if I don't do it today I never will!

    Yes, I'm still hoping the curls are for the party look. Yes, Marisa has dark hair in the books. And no character will ever look the way we ALL imagined them.

    But, MY GOD. Nicole looks perfect. She's got that grace and viciousness right beneath the surface, that authority, the saccharine sweetness going on like crazy in that ONE look at Lyra. And Dakota – she makes Lyra look here like a girl who will stare down anybody. Like she can see straight through her mother's intentions. Like she's a liar. She has the face of an angel and the mind of a devil working underneath it, JUST as I pictured her.

    This goes so far beyond mere physical appearance for me – if they GET the character, and from this picture I judge that they do, it is more than enough. These are complicated characters, and we need strong actors to deliver those performances in all their nuance. I already had faith in Nicole. But Dakota looks like a little actress too, and THANK GOD for that.

    By the way, anybody besides me just besotted with the lighting in this picture? If the movie looks like this, I'll be in heaven.

  24. Saint says:

    I'm not sure, she looks a little young, she looks maybe 8 years old when she's supposed to be 12/13.

  25. Violet says:

    Wow! That look is just perfect! Really captures the momment and everything! Curly hair not really how I imagined it. Still great, not everything can be just how it's described in the book. Hope more pics come out soon.

  26. Lily says:

    I don't think the hair is just for the party. If you look at some of the previous pictures taken, there are some of Dakota's double who has curly hair. Just a thought. :wassat:

    Not that I'm concerned about the appearance that much, it's all about the performance. Just hope it lives up to what we're all hoping for! 🙂

  27. rory says:

    geez…..thats amazing. 🙂

  28. Gus says:

    I can't really tell what she looks like from this picture. I think she looks good though.

  29. Galadriel says:

    It is like they are teasing us. They finally release a picture and you can hardly tell what they look like.

  30. butterfly says:

    she looks great! she does look a little young to me, but i didn't excpect her to look exactly the way i imagined. anyway, it's more of how good she is at acting then what she looks like. coulter looks perfect, though, exactly the way i imagined!!!!! this is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! i've been wanting to see a picture FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!! good luck dakota!!!!!!!!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

  31. Ethan says:

    I just love Nicole Kidman. She has the most expressive eyes in all of her films, and here is no exception. Can't wait to see her here.

    And Dakota looks perfect! Now I want to see Daniel Craig in costume!

  32. Corsair of Umbar says:

    Fabulous! I knew Nicole was a great choice for Coulter. And Dakota looks awesome, too: A devilish angel, is what she is.

  33. Andreons says:

    AT LAST! Nicole is superbe, I have always known that. About Dakota I think that Saint is right, she seems too young but it's hard to judge someone just by a picture.
    I hope to see other photos of her!!New Line, don't be scroogeeeee

  34. *Aurora*Traveller* says:

    Ugh! Coulter has dark hair! Otherwise, I think it's pretty good. I almost like Dakota already, even though I'm totally against making a HDM movie.

  35. vee says:

    this is probably irrelevant, but..isn't "on screen mother" a tad spoilery? but i guess non-readers haven't really found this site yet…

  36. Viggo says:

    Dakota looks cute! And Nicole looks beautiful as always and it looks as if she really has Mrs. Coulter pinned down. Not that I ever worried about that in the first place.

    This is looking better and better by the day. I don't know if I can wait a whole year, lol.

  37. Chaos Evo says:

    Dakota looks pretty good as Lyra, and I'm looking foward to seeing a full face picture. Kidman IS Coulter! She has that Coulter-ish look down! Can't wait to see more!!

  38. Kelsey says:

    Hmmm…Dakota looks a little too angelic for me, but hopefully in her acting she'll bring out the fiesty and devilish side of Lyra.

  39. Matt says:

    This picture looks great. Everything looks perfect. Can't wait to see more!

  40. Scuzzy says:

    She kinda looks like Dakota fanning..


  41. Silvertounge says:

    🙂 I LOVE HER! SHE'S PERFECT! THEY ARE BOTH PERFECT! I CAN'T WAIT!!! Okay, I'm done screaming!

  42. A/C says:

    For some reason, I never read the part in the book where it said that Mrs. Coulter had dark hair, so I always thought she was blonde… But anyways, I believe that Dakota will be a very good Lyra.

  43. Azazel says:

    absolutely fantastic

    o and guys how many people are going to worry whether Mrs. Coulter has dark hair or blonde when the movie comes out? o right. .00001%. If you're that fanatical about it, you need to obsess over something else. Like a life. Looks great though.

  44. Lizzy says:


    WOOHOO! Piccy! We LIKE piccys! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!

    I'm calm.

    …Kind of.

    And although I am fully aware that the books say Mrs. Coulter is dark-haired, I always imagined her as blond. Besides, how do two dark-haired people have a blonde kid? Anyway. Wonderful wonderful wonderful!

    I guess that's it for being calm.

  45. Damian! says:

    OMG! i almoust die when i see the pic! it is just perfect! i cant wait to see the movie!
    i am new! 🙂 but i dont speak very well englihs! :wassat:

  46. Steph says:

    I think they both look absolutely AMAZING! This is all I hoped it would be… so far. Good luck to both of them, and the rest of the cast and crew. They'll do great!!

  47. Glitzglamsteph says:

    Woo well don dakota u did it 😀 i hope u enjoy the filming 😀 good luck to you 😀

  48. Mr Anderson says:

    That photo, I believe is taken at the dinner party at Jordan College, when Coulter and Lyra first meet. In the background is the Master, Lyras hair looks as if it has been brushed coursely (and in a hurry). If it was Coulters Party, then her hair would be a lot more tidy. Notice also the gold glasses, such as those found in Jordan.

    Now I think it fairly cruel, that some people are already jumping to insult this poor girl. She has the weight of millions of fans on her shoulders while you just sit back and complain. Pullman himself commented that he would have picked her, before he knew the actual choice. And if anyone knows Lyra, its the very person that created her.
    Not to mention he also picked Kidman out as his choice for Coulter. Now let me say this about the hair colour – who honestly cares? Why worry about something so trivial when you should worry about her ability to play Coulter? But then how can you? That picture pretty much tells us she has got it right. The expressionism is spot on for both Lyra and Coulter in the context.

  49. Schrodinger's Cat says:

    Mr Anderson, you have hit the nail squarely on its head. Bravo, my friend! Philip Pullman created Lyra and if he's happy with Ms Richards, then the naysayers are being very immature. Besides, it's not like the filmmakers are rewriting the books. They'll always be exactly as you left them, and every time you reread Mr Pullman's stories, you can imagine Lyra any way you like. >^_~<

  50. Entilzha says:

    Marvelous photo. And kudos for showing it to us!! As for the curly hair…I think Lyra's hair is at least partly curly, I am almost certain I remember a passage…maybe in The Amber Spyglass…about her dark blonde curls but I may be wrong about that.