Movie Special Effects
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The London based firm Cinesite has won the contract for a large body of visual effects for the His Dark Materials movie. “This has been a major development for Cinesite,” said managing director Antony Hunt. “We have made major investments in handpicking the best talent in order to grow our highly skilled existing team of 3D artists and as a result have won this significant Dark Materials contract.” Cinesite's former work includes X-Men 3 and Stormbreaker. Read more.

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12 Responses to Movie Special Effects

  1. MaxRide says:

    cool, i guess. but i've never heard of them! :wassat:

  2. Arriving Somewhere (but not here) says:

    Wow, this is good news. I cant wait to see what they do with the Bolvangar battle sequence. Witches, Men and bears = bloody carnige. 😉

  3. Victoria says:

    X-Men 3 did not lack of special effects, that for sure! They are going to do a great job.

  4. Muaethia says:

    Doubt it, Arriving Somewhere.

    They're going to target children as the main audience, aren't they? They can't make it too gory at all, otherwise the rating would be too high to make the film a top 'family' movie. I don't know how they are going to cope with the Iorek/Iofur fight, 'specially the tearing open of the throat thing at the end.

  5. Arriving Somewhere (but not here) says:

    Have your doubts, but they already said their going for PG-13 rating.

  6. JV says:

    Oh. I heard that model of Lyra & Iorek was made by Weta, the company of course behind Lord Of The Rings. Cinesite look good though so I'm happy enough, I was just half-expecting Weta to get the job. But I suppose you've gotta give other companies a chance. I hope they're up to the task of talking polar bears and shape-shifting daemons. Good luck with that.

  7. MCH says:

    Hmmmm… I'm rubbish on special effects or anything too technical for that matter! :laughing:
    I just hope the special effects don't turn out like the Harry Potter ones did – too 'special' and not effective enough!

  8. Moira says:

    When is it being released? I cant wait. It is a thousand times better than Harry Potter, the book is anyway!

  9. Aerosaz says:

    The books are really quite dark and gory in places which makes them all the more intriguing and edge-of-seat. I hope its done in the same way as lord of the rings, ie open to a wide audience but still keeping its dark edge.

  10. Simple says:

    Why couldnt they get Weta? Its obviously the best in the business, after LOTR and Narnia! Although i suppose its a little far being based in New Zealand… I just hope it lives up to its expectations, it gonna be hard to please this crowd! lol

  11. Alastair says:

    The film shouldn't have to rely on CGI and fx to carry it through. If that's the main attraction then the film will have failed. :wassat:

  12. frumpy_bunyin2 says:

    Weta is in NZ, and filming is not. Weta did not do all the FX on Narnia, and not even all the FX on LOTR, most of LOTR though, and the largest chunk of Narnia.
    VFXworld says Cinesite worked on the danger room in x3, and there were 11 companies doing FX for the show.