Pullman's Latest Thoughts on the Movie
Posted on by Kinders

Philip Pullman has updated his web site with some brief comments on the status of the movie, including the casting of Lyra and the recent change of director. He again defends his decision to sell the movie rights and opines that “the latest script, from Chris Weitz, is truly excellent; I know, because I've just this morning read it. I think it's a model of how to condense a story of 400 pages into a script of 110 or so. All the important scenes are there and will have their full value. I'm sorry to say goodbye to Anand Tucker, whom I liked, but glad that the film will go forward in such good shape.” Read more.

About Kinders

Amateur comic strip artist, photographer and musician; wannabe author and film director; actual web 2.0 nerd and social butterfly. I've been visiting Bridge to the Stars and its forum, the Republic of Heaven, on and off since 2003, when I began making a short documentary about the His Dark Materials trilogy.
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9 Responses to Pullman's Latest Thoughts on the Movie

  1. Alewyn says:

    I don't think that he particularly likes any of the girls set to be Lyra 🙁

  2. Ancanar.com says:

    "Quote:. . .I've looked at some of the screen tests, and I have to say that every single one of the girls I saw would have something to bring to the part."

    Does that sound like he didn't like any of them? What interview are you reading?

  3. Elizabeth says:

    He is being diplomatic.
    He may well have a favourite, but he is hardly going to say so.

  4. Alewyn says:

    It sounds like he thinks everyone will be perfect in some way or other, but not one of them IS Lyra, and that disappoints me.

  5. Ancanar.com says:

    Aiya Alewyn, being a film student, this is a line of work I study day and night. Casting has many stages, you almost never just look at a screentest and go, "that's the one!" There are many aspects of the role to be considered, seeing if the young actress can take direction well, diversify the performance etc. Like "Elizabeth" said, "He is being diplomatic. He may well have a favorite, but he is hardly going to say so." Mr. Pullman is not a casting director, he knows to let the professionals handle it. And i'll tell you what, Fiona Weir is no amateur.

  6. Ian says:

    Alewyn wrote: "but not one of them IS Lyra, and that disappoints me."

    erm, you're right there, but er, I think you're forgetting that Lyra is fictional…

  7. Alewyn says:

    I know, I know. It was just wishful thinking that there would be one perfect girl to head our films that struck out at Pullman immediately as her. And you're right, for all we know, he has found that type of girl, or at least close to it.

  8. Natalia says:

    Hey, is there a website where you can see the people who are in the final rounds? Or no? I'm really out of it today ^_^
    Thanks! 🙂

  9. Kinders says:

    Alas, it's not [i]American Idol[/i].