Pullman interview featured on educational DVD
Posted on by Kinders

The National Secular Society reports that a new education resource aimed at Key Stages 3 – 5 has been produced to introduce school pupils to “issues of secular philosophies”. Why Atheism? comprises a DVD featuring six films about people who do not believe in God, including an extended interview with Philip Pullman (who is an NSS honorary associate). Read more.

About Kinders

Amateur comic strip artist, photographer and musician; wannabe author and film director; actual web 2.0 nerd and social butterfly. I've been visiting Bridge to the Stars and its forum, the Republic of Heaven, on and off since 2003, when I began making a short documentary about the His Dark Materials trilogy.
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14 Responses to Pullman interview featured on educational DVD

  1. The Bard says:

    Any idea where we can get it from?

  2. The Bard says:

    Anyone here agnostic?

  3. Kyrie says:

    Well… This is a very tentative subject… So it would be hard to discuss. However, I had a look at a side column of the page the "Read more" link sends you to. It was talking about "political-correctness-gone-mad" and "taking-Christ-out-of-Christmas"- the one labelled under December 1. My first thoughts were: "Woow! What is the world coming to?", and "I smell change in the air". I suppose these thoughts can applie to this new educational resource as well as the afore mentioned side column. I'm just not sure how big an effect – how great a wave – these events will make; this could be a passing phase, or the future for many people.

  4. Kyrie says:

    On a lighter note 🙂
    Today is the first time I ever post on a website, and well… I feel privileged – this is cool! Watching the comments accumilate, knowing that people are writing about things I'm thinking about, at the same time, is just so amazing. Especially because the writing is more permanent – so unlike chat. :tongue: 🙂

  5. Kinders says:

    I don\'t suppose you can get your own copy; it\'s an educational DVD, they don\'t tend to be the best sellers.

    As for Christmas disappearing: I wouldn\'t worry about it.

  6. Jessica says:

    is anyone else mildly amused by the title \"why atheism\"?

  7. Will says:

    It did make me immediately think "why not atheism?" if that's what you mean.

  8. The Bard says:

    Pfft, Atheisms the only way to go, unless, you know, you're stupid or something

  9. Angelina says:

    Thanks sooo much for the link to the NSS!! I\'m a member of American Atheists but I\'d never even heard of the NSS. Even though most of the articles aren\'t really relative to me, being an American, I still enjoyed reading them. I just wonder if I can order from their store…

  10. Sarah says:

    Am I agnostic? I don't know! (Groan!)I think of myself a Deist which is technically Freethinker and not Atheist but still it amounts to the same thing.
    I'd love to get hold of this DVD though. I've got loads of books on Freethinking/Atheism etc and am a nout on anything philosophical.

  11. Sarah says:

    A nout? A nut on anything philosophical!

  12. pips says:

    i don't know why i was surprised that there is a National Secular Society. i suppose when you've always been bombarded with relgious education the idea of "worksheets" in atheism seems quite strange. i wonder if i could somehow order a copy for school; i think it would be nice for them to show the other side of the coin for once.
    on a slightly different note, even though i'm not a believer myself i think it's wrong to change chritmas to "winterfest". it's a christian festival – fact. i don't see why it's not pc.

  13. Kinders says:

    It's a whole array of different ideas rolled in together; it's not exclusively Christian. Having said that, making a fuss about the name of it is just precocious.

  14. Kinders says:

    Here's a delightful article on the matter: http://www.harktheherald.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=articl