Fan Pullman Interview
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His Dark Materials fan Ian was lucky (and persistent) enough to get an interview on behalf of the entire fan community with none other than Philip Pullman at the Gothenburg book fair in Sweden last month. The interview is distinct for its enthusiastic asking of the questions we'd all love to ask (after all, he plumbed the fan community for ideas), and ranges from questions on armoured bears and Dust to Pullman's post and English cricket. Read it all here.

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8 Responses to Fan Pullman Interview

  1. hermit says:

    [quote]The raven emblem which we have now seen a couple of times is to become Pullman’s new trade mark on his books, and will be appearing more often from now on[/quote]

    Do you think he thinks his daemon would be a raven?

    PS – nice article/interview Ian!

  2. Alewyn says:

    yeah, i think he said so on his website, I can't remember where he said it, I just remember he did. Pullman said it was because he likes to take shiny things from other people, as in ideas from other literature/art/etc. interestingg that he just knows though

  3. Will says:

    That's not a raven, that's a magpie surely!

  4. Alewyn says:

    definitely a raven…

  5. Ian says:

    Well, Pullman said it was raven. Ido agree with Will though. Surely it\'s magpies which pick shiny stuff. Ravens are the more sinister ones.

  6. Alewyn says:

    I guess so, but I'm just saying what Pullman said.

  7. Alewyn says:

    actually, now that i think of it, he might've said just a bird LIKE a raven, could be a magpie. I was trying to find the excerpt of what he said, but I couldn't. I think it was on a stagework clip.

  8. Angelina says:

    He said his daemon would be a raven \"because that\'s the bird in North American mythology that stands for the trickster, the storyteller, the creator.\"