The Republic of Heaven

New cover art and artist interview!

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New cover art and artist interview!

Postby Anoria » Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:31 am

As a reminder for anyone whose bookmark comes directly to the forum instead of passing through our front page, we have a nifty news post up about the new HDM cover art, including an exclusive interview with one of the artists!

What are your thoughts on the new designs and the creative processes behind them?

Have you visited our newly revamped cover art gallery? (If not, go on! We'll wait.) What's your favorite cover? Which do you think captures the spirit of its book the best? Which one would make you pick up the books if you hadn't read them already?
Hey baby, what's your callsign?

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Re: New cover art and artist interview!

Postby Balthamos » Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:08 am

I love the cover art of the German deluxe version. Here's a picture of the slipcase, you can see the covers of the first two books on it.

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Re: New cover art and artist interview!

Postby Dusty Marcos » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:25 pm

Guys, I have a question about these new versions.
Since they're the new editions of the ones with the daemon faces on the cover (like Image)
Can anyone tell me if they also have the extra material in the end of each book (sketches, notes from Pullman, maps)??? Are they the same?
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