Hi, I'm monkeybutter and I found my way over here from Mark Reads! I'm glad to have another place to talk about HDM with spoilers and more fans of the series who have different perspectives on the books. I also really like BTTS's site design. It's cozy!
I first read HDM 4-5 years ago during a YA phase. After years of blowing off young adult books as silly wastes of time (and ugh, they're popular, they can't possibly be good) I was thrilled to be proven wrong about the genre. I loved how creative, well-thought out, and relevant to the real world, historically and currently, HDM is, though I do have a few quibbles with the series. Unfortunately, I went through the books quickly and read Against the Day just after finishing HDM, and details from the books got scrambled in my mind. Rereading with Mark is refreshing my memories, and I'm enjoying the books even more this time around. I look forward to poking around your site and forums for even more insight!
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Re: Howdy!
Welcome to the forum! There's lots to see here, so why not have a look around 

Peter - Not an endangered species
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Re: Howdy!
Howdy, monkeybutter! May I ask why you're called monkeybutter?
Like Peter said, have a nose around! I hope you'll take part in our MarkReads threads
Like Peter said, have a nose around! I hope you'll take part in our MarkReads threads

"To him whose elastic and vigorous thought keeps pace with the sun, the day is a perpetual morning."
-Henry David Thoreau

-Henry David Thoreau

Jaya - Je ne suis pas une sraffie.
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Re: Howdy!
Haha, sure. It's a nonsensical, funny-sounding phrase that I've had in the back of my head for the longest time, and I don't know how it got planted there. The earliest possibility I can find is in a Daily Show skit about the Emmy's from 2003, and Colbert did a bit with it later -- I don't know what means, but it sounds filthy and it should be stopped -- but I swear I had heard it when I was younger than that. In any case, I love Stephen Colbert with all my heart, so it seems appropriate for me! When I finally decided to stop lurking on MRHP, the names I usually use on the internet were already taken on buzznet, so I went with monkeybutter and I stuck with it when Mark moved to wordpress just to be consistent. There are other monkeybutters out there, so I'm pretty unoriginal when it comes to user names!
- monkeybutter
- Grazer
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Re: Howdy!
Welcome to the forum. 

bethanwy - COVERED IN BEES
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