The Republic of Heaven

Do you like Will or Lyra more?

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Whom do you like better?

Total votes : 81

Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Kyrillion » Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:18 am

:lol: 'I get along all right, in fact it's fun at night, I get four-dimensional dreams. But I have to think before I take a drink, I get hungover times sixteen...'

As far as it goes, I prefer Lyra, though Will is a great character. I just don;t like their relationship.
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Ayanna » Fri Jun 06, 2008 8:17 pm

I voted for Lyra but I also thought Will was a fantastic character, was a hard choice but I chose Lyra because ultimately she's the 'more important' one.
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Dan » Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:24 am

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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby monster8532 » Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:22 pm

i like them as a pair you know together
It kills me not to know this
but I've all but just forgotten
what the color of her eyes were
and her scars or how she got them

As the telling signs of age rain down
a single tear is dropping
through the valleys of an aging face
that this world has forgotten

there is no reconciliation
that will put me in my place
and there is no time like the present
to drink these draining seconds

but seldom do these words ring true when
I'm constantly failing you
like walls that we just can't break through
until we disappear

so tell me now
if this ain't love then how do we get out?
because I don't know

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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Jack Burden » Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:57 am

Had to go with Lyra. Will was too much the archetypical "young hero;" I thought Lyra seemed more human.
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Mitch NZ » Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:15 pm

I felt like I was in love with Lyra, so she is easily the character I like most, but of course I still have huge admiration for Will.
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Yrael » Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:08 pm

I felt like I was in love with Lyra, so she is easily the character I like most, but of course I still have huge admiration for Will.
Well said, i fell in love with Lyra's character, Will is cool, and i can easily relate to him, but Lyra is someone who would leave a lasting memory on you. She is probably my favorite fictional character
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Jade Stone » Sun Dec 14, 2008 6:54 pm

I picked Lyra. I love everything about her, her mischievous personality, her courage, and her relationship with Pan.
Will, of course, is great too, but he can't beat Lyra.
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Yrael » Sun Dec 14, 2008 7:18 pm

Welcome Jade Stone
I picked Lyra. I love everything about her, her mischievous personality, her courage, and her relationship with Pan.
Will, of course, is great too, but he can't beat Lyra.
Yes, i voted Lyra too, she is a more likable character than Will.
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Viorphon » Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:30 pm

Lyra, she isn't as annoying as Will, not that Will is annoying, he just bugs me occasionly
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby Aletheia Dolorosa » Mon Dec 15, 2008 12:43 pm

I never found Will annoying. As a child, when I first read NL (I was 12), I identified with Lyra more. This was, I guess, because she was a girl about my age, and she had adventures of a sort that I wanted to have. (I used to even ask myself 'What would Lyra do?', in a rather silly way.) But as I got older and more distant in age from the characters of HDM, I was able to look at myself and analyse my personality in a more objective way, and I realised that rather than identifying with Lyra, I had aspired to be like her.

There's much more of Will's character in me than there is of Lyra's. As a child, that would've horrified me, but now I don't really have a problem with it. I'm an introvert, I'm cautious, I'm shy - and there's nothing wrong with that. I admire Lyra, but I admire Will more. He was much less suited to the kinds of adventures he and Lyra had, and yet he grew into the kind of person who could cope with them. He had much more to overcome, and so his task was much harder.

That being said, how can you not love Lyra? She's like the cheeky friend you had as a child, the one who did things you didn't quite dare to do yourself (but wished you had the guts to do).
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Re: Do you like Will or Lyra more?

Postby shady » Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:38 am

Lyra is better,she has deeper personallity.Once they were separated lyra was so lonely,and i think that will had more company(his mother,mary)but lyra was alone all the time after AS)i kinda feel sad for her :cry:
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