The Republic of Heaven

a question about daemon sexes

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Re: a question about dæmon sexes

Postby jessia » Sat Jan 26, 2008 4:24 am

it's probably an intentionally underdeveloped study in the case of the church-dominated L-world. we don't know that it should indicate anything about sexuality, and pullman said he wasn't sure himself. i think it might be that gender (which is culturally relative) operates differently between the human and the daemon (it seems to me that gender isn't just projected by the human but by both the human and its daemon, since it's the world that conceives of a whole person in this manner). so ditto to ronni i think. mogget, maybe when you say female and male thought-characteristics you're thinking of specific constructions of female and male... which may be different in the L-world (and there are many different cultures in the L-world).

is this the quote/link you were thinking of? ... .C3.A6mons
"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy

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Re: a question about dæmon sexes

Postby iku » Sun Mar 23, 2008 7:31 pm

i think the whloe idea that it shows homosexuality is greatly flawed, for a start, to repeat an over used argument, there would be so many more cases of this. It wouldnt be a rare case. also just because you're gay it does not mean you are more like/conmfortable/ intuned with the opposite sex. i know a few gay men and none of them are remotely girlish, though they do dress impeccably :wink: Sexuality is so hard to put title on, you get men who are "straight" yet get turned on by the man-ladies of tailand, you get what i mean, there are plenty of cases of "straight/gay" people finding the worng gender (to them) attractive. Im pretty sure its either just a random anomaly put there by nature or it the case of the transexual, your body my be one thing but you are nother. im leaning toward transexuality which also explains the rarity of it.
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Postby Acchon » Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:37 pm

I also always assumed that Baruch & Balthamos were gay, but perhaps they were just so affectionate since they'd been together for so long and didn't have to worry about society labeling them one way or another based on their actions. ~Lady Greenie~
About this matter, I think that the angels is above everything that got to do with genders, and therefor it is just as common for 2 men to fall in love with each other as it is for a man and a woman.
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Re: a question about daemon sexes

Postby FireDaemon299 » Thu Oct 20, 2011 1:33 am

Your daemon is the reverse gender from you, am I right? Except for people like Bernie the Pastry Cook.
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Re: a question about daemon sexes

Postby Melancholy Man » Tue Nov 15, 2011 5:05 pm

Your daemon is the reverse gender from you, am I right? Except for people like Bernie the Pastry Cook.
Yupples, although it doesn't necessarily indicate gayness.

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