Did you want to hang around in the land of the dead forever?
So longs as it is quiet!

Well i suppose there is this, not much of a story mind,

When i was 9; me, my brother and my father went on holiday to Mexico, Cancun. (my mother didn't join us as she presently had had a large row with my father, preffering no to be in his presence)
The hotel was fabulous, and had many pools, but we personally found the beach a much better prospect. So we packed and travelled to 100 or so yards to the pearl white sand. Me, being 9, presently sprinted towards the waves, selectivly deffering to notice these were, extremly large waves. So soon, my brother had joined me.
Then we tested each other. We, recognising the tremendous force of the waves, were to stand as long as possible against the waves. Now, my brother, stocky and well built was easily able to withstand them, though he still fell under the force on many an occasion. Me, being weedy, thin and considerably less fed, fell to the power of the waves.
As the tides tossed me as a rag-doll to the floor, my father on a few yards away was laughing. And to be honest so was i. But then i was dragged back into the sea. Not far but, still laughing, attempted to rise.
But, just like a comically portayed swing, as soon as i stood, the waves forced me bck down, my borther, experiencing the same, was also laughing, but he could resist as i could not.
So after 5 minutes of futile attempts of escape from the ever powerfull pull of the ocean, i began to tire. As my small body began to cramp, i had the odd sensation of mixed mirth and sobs. Eventually i stopped trying to get back up and dug my nails into the sand to try and stop myself being sucked into the current.
I was no longer laughing now and was prenstly crying, slowly being sucked further into the sea. My brother and father, still laughing failed for a long time to realise i was crying my eyes out and being slowly more enveloped in the sea.
Eventually, after long struggles to cry out to my father, he realised something was wrong. He is an accomplished swimmer, previously, his preffered choice of career was to be a life guard or something similar. He managed to drag me from the waves and dried me off. Despite the ocean being warmer considerably than my native English waters, i was shivering and was left to dry in the sun.
Long since, its is humourous again, but i can't help but revere the power of the ocean.