The Republic of Heaven

a question about daemon sexes

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a question about daemon sexes

Postby cinammonsticks » Sun May 07, 2006 4:19 am

hey sorry i hope this hasn't been covered before but i can't find it anywhere. throughout HDM we do not come across anyone who has a daemon of the same gender as them. but in TNL it is mentioned that they do exist, but are considered to be strange people (sorry i can't quote directly). i was just thinking about it and was wondering if this had anything to do with homosexuality.
what do you guys think of this?
love lil
PS im not at all homophobic, just interested.
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Postby Somewhat » Sun May 07, 2006 4:43 am

Actually there is one person, the pastry cook in NL, a Gyptian. As for the homosexuality, there are a few topics floating around. It's not one of my main HDM interests, so I don't know where they are.
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Postby cinammonsticks » Sun May 07, 2006 5:30 am

but of course! i forgot about that, thats where i heard the quote in the first place
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Postby Soapy » Sun May 07, 2006 10:21 am

I did a quick search and found a little bit about this topic here (scroll up a bit to see what I was replying to)

I'm sure there's a thread just for that, look around a bit more and you'll find it.
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Postby Angel to follow » Sun May 07, 2006 1:36 pm

Yeah, there has definately been a few dedicated to that. However, you may have to go back really far and if you haven't got anythin new to add I wouldn't revive it.

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Postby Toni » Sun May 07, 2006 2:29 pm

I'm of the belief that the gender of a persons daemon has quite a bit to do with sexuality..But it might be because the person is particularly different, or more comfortable with the same sex as themselves..I don't know.
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Postby Soapy » Sun May 07, 2006 2:48 pm

Another possibility is that same-sex daemons means transsexuality which works out, now that I think about it properly. The trans person's mind would reflect what daemon they ought to have if their body matched their mind. So a woman in a man's body would have a male daemon to match the mind, not the body.

Additionally, once the trans person had undergone transition s/he would end up with a daemon that was of opposite sex.

However, I still don't really think that it means that. It makes sense but I don't particularly like accepting anything as simple as same-sex daemons for anything as complex as sexuality or gender identification.
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Postby Townie » Sun May 07, 2006 9:43 pm

Actually there is one person, the pastry cook in NL, a Gyptian.
Wasn't Bernie half-gyptian?
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Postby Soapy » Sun May 07, 2006 10:05 pm

Actually there is one person, the pastry cook in NL, a Gyptian.
Wasn't Bernie half-gyptian?
Yer...he was the one watching over Lyra for Ma Costa
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Postby Angel to follow » Mon May 08, 2006 10:00 am

Another possibility is that same-sex daemons means transsexuality which works out, now that I think about it properly. The trans person's mind would reflect what daemon they ought to have if their body matched their mind. So a woman in a man's body would have a male daemon to match the mind, not the body.
I think that makes sense actually, after all what we are are on the surface is just superficial, its whats inside that defines you. I should know.

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Postby Stargirl » Mon May 08, 2006 10:43 pm

yeah that dopes make sense, well put hermit, :D i think there was another person mentioned in the books thast had the same sex too but i cant remember right now, and the fact im in art class right now is kinda distracting... :P

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Postby Angel to follow » Tue May 09, 2006 3:38 pm

I don't think there was another one.

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Postby ladygreenie » Wed May 17, 2006 6:00 am

I just assumed that same-sex daemon meant the person was probably homosexual. The other theory I had though in relation to daemons was the whole Jung anima/animus theory about the parts of someone's mind/personality. I also always assumed that Baruch & Balthamos were gay, but perhaps they were just so affectionate since they'd been together for so long and didn't have to worry about society labeling them one way or another based on their actions. (and for the record, I don't see anything wrong with a person being homosexual).

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Postby Soapy » Wed May 17, 2006 7:41 am

Another thing about why same-sex daemons isn't homosexuality is really rather simple. It'd be a lot more common if that's what it was. More than 10% of the population is estimated to be gay and you'd think that if 10% of people had same-sex daemons they'd have realised what it meant and it also would've been mentioned more.
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Postby Angel to follow » Wed May 17, 2006 9:25 am

It may just mean that the person who has the same sex daemon for instance, the cook is more in touch with his feminine side.That's what Grumman said, that part of him was feminine and bird like.(don't have an exact quote.)

Its about balance right, male to female, Lyras attitude to Pans.So if you were quite feminine as a man or indeed masculine as a woman, you would need a same sex daemon to restore the balance.

It wouldn't mean that you were gay.

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Postby ladygreenie » Sun May 21, 2006 9:38 pm

More than 10% of the population is estimated to be gay and you'd think that if 10% of people had same-sex daemons they'd have realised what it meant and it also would've been mentioned more.
That's actually a really good point. I hadn't even thought of that. That also makes me think that even if having a same-sex daemon just means that you're either a more masculine woman or a more feminine man, you'd think it would still possibly be seen more often than it seemed to be in the book for similar reasons. (I'm not trying to say every gay man has to be very feminine or every lesbian must be very masculine though - I know better than that). I don't know - this is turning into a tough one.

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Postby Blossom » Tue May 23, 2006 7:18 pm

Surely it could just be a genetic woopsie, like how some people can be born with both male and female genitals, or to many Y chromosomes. Some animals are asexual anyway, but that wouldn't say anything about a persons sexuality.
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Postby jessia » Tue May 23, 2006 7:25 pm

Another thing about why same-sex daemons isn't homosexuality is really rather simple. It'd be a lot more common if that's what it was. More than 10% of the population is estimated to be gay and you'd think that if 10% of people had same-sex daemons they'd have realised what it meant and it also would've been mentioned more.
is that 10% strictly homosexual or in the larger generalization of LGBT? i wonder how other non-strictly heterosexuals would express themselves in their daemons...
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Postby Diolmhain » Thu May 25, 2006 5:03 pm

Well i myself don't know much about the subject but click here and scroll to
For some people who do.

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Postby Angel to follow » Thu May 25, 2006 5:08 pm

I don't understand, people actually believe that we have daemons? I'm not criticising just asking,

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