My code is rather complex, but here goes:
1. Rights: Pretty much the usual. You konw, everyone should vote, be portected from assualt, discrimination etc. It's governments' job to protect the rights of people, not corporatiosn etc. As for corporations, they should exist ot give services to the public, not to make money by screw up the Earth, while violating peoples' rights along the way. Of course, it's going ot take a long time before this is realised.
2. Genders: The massive difference in treatment between men and women is ridiculous. The only different treatment they should get is medically (where they have different needs in some areas) and in soenm areas in education (both genders have different issues which should be addressed)
3. Religion: Ok. This is a rather contentious topic. Personaly, I'm an atheist, and I think that evolutoin should be taught in schools. Teaching creationism in science classes should stop. People can practice their own religion,
to the extent that it does not violate the rights of other people or animals. Religion is not a sufficient reason to force people to do what they do not want to. Also, people have no, repeat no right to impose thier beliefs on others, regardless of what their beleifs are. That means no wars on "infidels" etc and no sacrifices. Note: No religious discrimination either.
5: Money etc. People should be paid as much as psosible, but I think our prioities are a little mixed. The massive salaries actors and so on get should be reduced- they don't do all that much. Teachers and scientists, meanwhile, get bugger all. Politicians and corporations spend millions on advertising etc- that should be stopped. If corporatiosn get over a certain limit of profit, they shoudl either pay all their workers more or give the money to people who need it.
4: What should we do? Personally, I think our tasks are to keep gainign knowledge and technology and to ensure the survival of intelligent life for as long as possible. If we can learn something, we should.
Also, we shouldn't shun technologies like stem cells or cloning for religious or ethical reasons. I think that's wrong, conservative and foolish. People used ot say IVF was wrong. Now who cares? We should research, document and test every technology available to us. If we have any purpose, that's it. I really hate things like pro-life and that stuff. I think such views are wrong- the whole idea of women being breeding machines has got to stop (note: when a male is saying that this is a problem, then it must be a pretty big one
). Shouldw e go to toher worlds? Almost certainly- why sohuld we stay here on Earth, when there's a whole galaxy waiting for us?
BTW, Moonflash, I agree with you. I think we should protect animal rights, but the way those people were doing it was not the right or most effective one. (At the very least, we should catalogue genetic samples of every life-form we can. That way if we ever move to other worlds, we can grow new life there).[/i]