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Dooms day weapon?

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Dooms day weapon?

Postby Chiz » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:21 am

besides the fact that the knife is really sharp how is it a dooms day weapon sure it can cu into other worlds but i don't remember reading anything out the knife killing a hole bunch of ppl and destroying things
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Postby Tomsy » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:27 am

It did effectively kill God. But no, no spectacular multiple deaths, I'm afraid.
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Postby Taroh » Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:34 pm

Hmm, good point but i think its more of a dooms day weapon in the sence that it created spectors, and lets face it they deff. werent a good thing. And i guess that being able to move to different worlds can be used for evel in the wrong hands, so i guess thats its just the way you see what the knife does that makes it dooms dayish
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Postby The Funny Man » Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:26 am

I hate to sound anti-gun, but it works the same way. It can only kill a few at a time, but it intills fear much like the knife creates spectres. There also could probably be more powerful forms of the knife. There also has to be something like it, because the dust in ALL of the worlds just plummeted three hundred years earlier. The knife itself couldn't have caused that much damage.
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Postby Stargirl » Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:46 am

remember, no one ever knew all the uses of the knife, and the knifes own intentions.
i think the specters had a lot to do with it though, especially since mrs coulter found a way to control them.

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Postby Slizer » Thu Sep 07, 2006 12:54 pm

Well the fact that it has its own entity of conscious or similar also affects. It would most likely turn against the wielder if the wielder in the first place could somehow turn into bunk. but yes it has potential as if anything that killed god.
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Postby Stargirl » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:40 pm

Imagine the power you could have to mobilize armies. you could get a whole army into another world to go to the spot where the opposing army is in the other world (like Will and lord boreals house when they were looking for the alethiometer) and you could open up a whole bunch of little windows and kill the whole enemy army before they even knew what was happening. the possibilities are endless.

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Postby jessia » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:42 pm

the end of the world coming from the subtle knife would've been very slow, no doomsday spectacular but the end of concious civilisation is pretty bad too...
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Postby Stargirl » Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:45 pm

Yeah it wouldn't be fast but in the end it could've been just as bad.

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Postby The Funny Man » Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:42 pm

Well, remember that Xaphenaia said that it's like cutting a window into the abyss everytime you use the knife. You suck the Dust out just by using it. And it also creates specters, so that could qualify. The Dust in the abyss can never be brought back; it's like a black hole: once you pass the event horizon, there's no coming back. Hypothetically, anyway.
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Postby AUST » Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:10 pm

It could kill EVERYONE for one thing, there sno defense against it. even with a bullet you can protect yourself with Body Armour and so on> Against a tank you can hide in a bunker and seal yourself in, but the knife can cut through anything. It also makes the user virtually invicneable (Cut though when your in denger, step though, and your safe.
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Postby the blatant fork » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:25 pm

i always thought that it was called that because it could cut anything and surely the authority falls under the 'anything' category. it may have been responsible for his death but could've directly killed him too me thinks.[/i]
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