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I was going to beat you to it, but then I thought.. why bother. There's nothing new to talk about.

Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God tell you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
- Will
- Homo Sine Deo
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What do you Zelda fans think of Wind Waker?
I've people say say that they did'nt like the cel shading style because it was true to the series. I think it is more true than the N64 games. The original games were in cartoon style. I thought the controls were much better. The story was ok. It was a bit easy. The bit at the end when he jams the sword in Ganondorf's head was brilliant. I loved the graphics.
I'm really interested in seeing what the storyline for the new game will be like.
I've people say say that they did'nt like the cel shading style because it was true to the series. I think it is more true than the N64 games. The original games were in cartoon style. I thought the controls were much better. The story was ok. It was a bit easy. The bit at the end when he jams the sword in Ganondorf's head was brilliant. I loved the graphics.
I'm really interested in seeing what the storyline for the new game will be like.
Darragh - Entirely Adequate
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Hopefully the new one would be darker in plot, because I always like a badass.
In general, from what I saw of WW, the graphics were great, the gameplay was solid and the immersion factor went through the roof.
I wasn't even playing the game and I sat there in awe for 3 hours.

In general, from what I saw of WW, the graphics were great, the gameplay was solid and the immersion factor went through the roof.
I wasn't even playing the game and I sat there in awe for 3 hours.
Currently Listening: The Last Of Us (Goodnight) - Gustavo Santaolalla
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and the time is 12.38 BST.
Currently Watching: Spotify
Currently Playing: Teslagrad/Hearthstone
and the time is 12.38 BST.
Starshade - Heartbroken Muse
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Any game which ends with a sword being struck vertically into someone's brain isn't exactly "kiddy," to my mind. Any accusations of that nature levelled at WW were purely due to the immaturity of those who think they like to play "mature" games - blood and guns and cars being nothing of the sort.
Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God tell you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
- Will
- Homo Sine Deo
- Posts: 7463
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- Location: Eastern Anglia
mmm... acute puzzles...Hmmm, when I was playing my friend said to me "Ye know this a game I can actually watch you play" he usually hates all games. I loved the way the puzzles in it where never too obtuse.
- random guy
- Spectre
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mmm... acute puzzles...Hmmm, when I was playing my friend said to me "Ye know this a game I can actually watch you play" he usually hates all games. I loved the way the puzzles in it where never too obtuse.
Hate to be the pedantwho am I kidding, I love it, but don't you mean "abstruse"?

- Max
- Guardian of the Thesauri
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The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (GBA)
Released from the broken power of an ancient mystical sword, Vaati the wind mage is wreaking havoc on the Land of Hyrule. The only way to free the people from Vaati's evil clutches is to restore the sword and seal the evil mage's power once more. However, the knowledge to restore the sword is only kept by the tiny Minish people who live in a land unseeable by adult eyes. Enter Link, a young boy who takes on the epic journey that will turn him into a hero of legend...
I wish I had a GBA. I heard Capcom made this game somewhere. It looks lovely. Is there any emulators for the GBA?
Edit:The next GameCube installment (read that part again, naysayers ) of The Legend of Zelda will see it's US release in the 2nd quarter of 2005.
Given Wind Waker was released here only a month after the US release, we should be seeing Link again real soon. Now that GTA, Halo and Half Life 2 are out, the Next Big Thing(tm) is on its way gents.

Let the rejoicing begin.
Released from the broken power of an ancient mystical sword, Vaati the wind mage is wreaking havoc on the Land of Hyrule. The only way to free the people from Vaati's evil clutches is to restore the sword and seal the evil mage's power once more. However, the knowledge to restore the sword is only kept by the tiny Minish people who live in a land unseeable by adult eyes. Enter Link, a young boy who takes on the epic journey that will turn him into a hero of legend...
I wish I had a GBA. I heard Capcom made this game somewhere. It looks lovely. Is there any emulators for the GBA?
Edit:The next GameCube installment (read that part again, naysayers ) of The Legend of Zelda will see it's US release in the 2nd quarter of 2005.
Given Wind Waker was released here only a month after the US release, we should be seeing Link again real soon. Now that GTA, Halo and Half Life 2 are out, the Next Big Thing(tm) is on its way gents.

Let the rejoicing begin.
Darragh - Entirely Adequate
- Posts: 5515
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- Location: Dublin
Looks like I'll be demanding a Gamecube for my birthday after all.Edit:The next GameCube installment (read that part again, naysayers ) of The Legend of Zelda will see it's US release in the 2nd quarter of 2005.
Given Wind Waker was released here only a month after the US release, we should be seeing Link again real soon. Now that GTA, Halo and Half Life 2 are out, the Next Big Thing(tm) is on its way gents.
Let the rejoicing begin.

- Max
- Guardian of the Thesauri
- Posts: 3796
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- Location: Cambridge, UK
Oh Link, why must you torment my heart so...
Oh.. and I couldn't perve on Link, because he looked like a teddy bear.
I loved Wind Waker. Then again, I've never disliked a Zelda game. I didn't mind the cell shading at all. I thought it was cute, and seeing as I'm a girl, that's one of the primary criteria met. The game was a little short, I thought. The story wasn't really.. I'm not sure.. not really Zelda-ish. You're all right about saying the game is watchable.. I sat down and watched my brother play for hours, and vice-versa. What annoyed me about this Zelda was some of the dungeons (well not really dungeons, but that's what they call 'em) were a little harder than others. But overall the game was somewhat easier. Playing it through the first time, I got stuck quite a few times. Oh.. the whole sea thing annoyed me until I could command the cyclones, but even after that it was somewhat lame. Where were the horses, damn it.. In most other Zeldas, there are clearly defined missions/areas/whatever. Say in OoT, there was the Deku Tree, Dodongo's Cavern, Jabu-Jabu's Belly, then a few years later the other temples. Here nothing was really defined, and I didn't like that.What do you Zelda fans think of Wind Waker?
Oh.. and I couldn't perve on Link, because he looked like a teddy bear.

- Trillian
- Wanton Antipodean
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He he he! A Link perve I never thought I would meet one! I agree with most things you say it was a bit easier than other zelda games, the sailing bits got boring after 10mins. I didn't find the difficulty of the dungeons to be a problem.
I was glad to see He was making another "real" style Zelda game instead of Windwaker 2 but I would love to see a sequel to it at some point, on Ninty's next console preferably.
I was glad to see He was making another "real" style Zelda game instead of Windwaker 2 but I would love to see a sequel to it at some point, on Ninty's next console preferably.
Darragh - Entirely Adequate
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~*iguana*~ monochrome, baby.
He looked so damn cute in his ickle pyjamas and messed up blonde hair on the second go through..
The sailing was a bit boring the first play, but I just lay back and enjoyed it in the summer when I played it again.
Sure.Oh.. and I couldn't perve on Link, because he looked like a teddy bear.
He looked so damn cute in his ickle pyjamas and messed up blonde hair on the second go through..
The sailing was a bit boring the first play, but I just lay back and enjoyed it in the summer when I played it again.
Q: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God tell you when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
Pullman: Well, I'm retiring, would you like to take it on ?
- Will
- Homo Sine Deo
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- Location: Eastern Anglia
True, there was all that treasure you could go hunting for and all those coins in between those flaggy things and stuff like that. And playing that game with the REALLY UGLY fish.

- Trillian
- Wanton Antipodean
- Posts: 2806
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- Website: http://www.myspace.com/tanyerr
- AOL: tanyadsm
- Location: Perth, Australia.
Im a big zelda fan, Oot will saty with me forever and really looking forward to the new GC game.
I liked wind waker. True I was dissapointed that it wasn't wat id seen years back at an e3 show in a magazine ore something that looked awsome, but i like the change of style there. I love link in his pjs too!
I love the picture of Shingsy with links Shield and sword when he introduced the new Zelda.
I liked wind waker. True I was dissapointed that it wasn't wat id seen years back at an e3 show in a magazine ore something that looked awsome, but i like the change of style there. I love link in his pjs too!
I love the picture of Shingsy with links Shield and sword when he introduced the new Zelda.
Chuck ya boyfriend, have a sandwich!
Blobcat - Grazer
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The bosses were a bit ~*Wibble*~ to be fair though...the only truly entertaining one to my mind being the huge bird who chased you up Ganon's tower. It made you look so much infinitely more skillful than you genuinely were to any random spectators
The lack of dungeons was kind of a let down...and after spending days trying to figure out how to kill the penultimate boss Ganon himself was rather underwhelming. As was the entire endgame story to my mind. Kudos to Shigsy for imprisoning Zelda against her will under Hyrule castle though...even a badass Zelda's still gotta play by the rules of videogame lore

The lack of dungeons was kind of a let down...and after spending days trying to figure out how to kill the penultimate boss Ganon himself was rather underwhelming. As was the entire endgame story to my mind. Kudos to Shigsy for imprisoning Zelda against her will under Hyrule castle though...even a badass Zelda's still gotta play by the rules of videogame lore

Andrew Marr is one of many public figures somewhat bizarrely alleged by conspiracy theorist David Icke to be a shape-shifting reptilian.
-Wikipedia ftw.
-Wikipedia ftw.
- Crazy Bear Mc.Gubbins
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I don't know why people give out about a lack of dungeons. Was majora's mask a bad game because it lacked dungeons? No, it was a masterpiece.
I am hoping for some good things from the next Zelda game. I would like it to be a huge epic that lasts about 40 hours.
I am hoping for some good things from the next Zelda game. I would like it to be a huge epic that lasts about 40 hours.
Darragh - Entirely Adequate
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