The Republic of Heaven

Lord Asriels army

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Lord Asriels army

Postby \fire-away/ » Wed Nov 10, 2004 4:36 am

How can he build an army so fast in a world he knows nothing about?
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Postby jessia » Wed Nov 10, 2004 5:52 am

option a

the rebel angels had already started building it, and he was guided into the right place.

option b

it's fiction, so pullman can say whatever he wants, and lord asriel can be ever so magical and powerful in his speed army-building skills.

i'm sure there are options c and d, etcetera if anyone cares to add.
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Postby Danny Barefoot » Wed Nov 10, 2004 11:17 am

I think Pullman had to do a bit of a song and dance here, since he had different ideas of Lord Asriel's intentions in NL. Possibly Asriel communicated with other worlds beforehand, who'd begun organisation. Possibly he really can speed up time, or his world has a different timescale to the others.

Pretty much, think of something, and assume Lord Asriel can do it. He is satan, remember.
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Postby jessia » Wed Nov 10, 2004 10:42 pm

satan should technically be an angel though... so i was thinking xaphania for that role.
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Postby Danny Barefoot » Thu Nov 11, 2004 12:21 am

Xaphiana, Mrs Coulter and Asriel all have bits of Satan in their makeup.
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Postby Max » Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:52 am

satan should technically be an angel though... so i was thinking xaphania for that role.
Archangel, in fact - I thought that role was assumed by Pullman's female 'Wisdom' or whatever.
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Postby eloquent » Thu Nov 11, 2004 1:55 am

I go with option a, and always have done. I can't remember exact quotes, but there's definitely a lot to hint that plans for the second rebellion were long laid before the arrival of Asriel.
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Postby jessia » Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:06 am

satan should technically be an angel though... so i was thinking xaphania for that role.
Archangel, in fact - I thought that role was assumed by Pullman's female 'Wisdom' or whatever.
I go with option a, and always have done. I can't remember exact quotes, but there's definitely a lot to hint that plans for the second rebellion were long laid before the arrival of Asriel.
ooh, i think i know what you're talking about. a little bit of it may have been from when will was first talking to baruch and balthamos. and when ruta skadi returns from lord asriel's camp to tell her fellow witches about what's going on in the world.
"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
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Postby Lalura » Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:35 pm

Sophia? Wasn't that the name of a school or college? St. Sophia's, I believe.
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Postby Danny Barefoot » Thu Nov 11, 2004 4:22 pm

Quite possibly, since it means wisdom I think, from the Greek or somesuch.
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Mon Nov 15, 2004 12:12 am

We all have bits of Satan in us, deep down. You may have to look hard, but everyone has them. Meaning in the sense that we all have dark thoughts and desires, it is just how you are tested and how you react with them, when you are tested that counts.

And it is quite hard to build an army that quick, so I would go with option a. I mean either that or he kept Astral Projectioning himself into the other worlds and was all 'Hi build this army for me'. Which he could of possible done, since he had it going with him and the witches.

*coughs*RutaSkadi*coughs* :D

It was the second rebellion and we all know that time does not run parallel in other worlds, so maybe creatures and people in the other worlds were still around and were merely biding their time. Or it could of been another Prophecy, and Asriel came along and fit the description.
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Postby hollytamale » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:04 am

I don't really think we've got Satan so much as just we've got the tendency and nature to sin and all. But I guess if you consider Satan to be sin, then there ya go.
I think Asriel just came along and assumed the role of leader in something that had been developing for quite a while.

Yeah, "soph" means wisdom.
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Postby Max » Mon Nov 15, 2004 1:48 am

If being sinful means we have sin inside us, and if sin is Satan, does that mean that if you sin enough you become Satan :?:

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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Mon Nov 15, 2004 2:23 am

I think there is only one Satan. So you could become a sub-form of Satan.

Unless, you want to look as Satan as being a whole and not a single person. Then you could become Satan.
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
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Postby Hephaestion » Mon Nov 15, 2004 5:45 pm

There is a problem with option A. To build an army that is larger and better equipped than any we can imagine on Earth at the moment is something of a task. Soldiers will be arriving in tens of thousand to thousands of diffferent military installations all connected together and forming an immense fortress ring, hundreds and hundreds of miles in diameter, with a central fortress of basalt in the middle. Now these soldiers will have to work together with any non-combatants who arrive in order that everybody actually gets fed. Then of course the INCREDIBLE amount of spare parts, fuel and various chemicals and materials required for an army the size of the population of India will be a bit of a job. This means that, yeah, it would take years.
Here is the big problem - after all those years they would begin to figure out the affliction befalling daemons in other worlds.

Option C for me is that he is a commander like in Command and Conquer and goes out to collect minerals to actually build units of one sort another. hahahaha

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Postby eloquent » Tue Nov 16, 2004 1:55 am

Option C for me is that he is a commander like in Command and Conquer and goes out to collect minerals to actually build units of one sort another. hahahaha
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Postby Lance » Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:47 am

You collect minerals in Command and Conquer? Isn't it Ore and Tiberium? And anyway, all Lord Asriel seems to use in his factories is IRON. Massive "baulks" of iron. Did I get it right?
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Postby eloquent » Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:48 am

Minerals is the generic term for tiberium, gems and ore that you get in various of the games </tangent>
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Postby Naomi Silvertongue » Thu Nov 18, 2004 12:54 am

He had basalt as well, that was what his fortress was made of. Big and black. :D
Colonel William Tavington: You know, it's dirty business doing one's duty... but just occasionally it's a real pleasure.

Benjamin Martin: He cannot be held as a spy.
Colonel William Tavington: Oh, we're not going to hold him. We're going to hang him.

Colonel William Tavington: Thank you very much. Shut the doors!
Hardwick: But you said... we'd be forgiven!
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Postby Ixia » Thu Nov 18, 2004 4:20 am

Actually I think Pullman explains the whole building of the army thing somewhere, that it had been going on for aeons. But I can't be bothered finding the reference.
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