LO: Illustrations...?
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LO: Illustrations...?
I saw that they will have illustrations in the book.
I am afraid that these may ruin imaginations in the way whcih a movie might.
I saw that they will have illustrations in the book.
I am afraid that these may ruin imaginations in the way whcih a movie might.
- random guy
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- random guy
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You might not see the movie? I'm definitely going to see it/them, even if people say they're not that good (which they haven't, I'm just saying hypothetically if they did...).
- eloquent
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but not only are they annoying n movies, but no matter how hard i try after i have seen a movie i cant remember what i imagined the characters as before
- random guy
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i plan to be at the toronto premiere, if i can bribe my friend into getting tickets from her mom (she works at the canadian film something something, lotsa free stuff).
"o stars, isn't it from you that the lover's desire for the face
of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy
sign up and help edit+create his dark materials wiki articles for bridgetothestars!

of his beloved arises? doesn't his secret insight
into her pure features come from the pure constellations?"
- from rainer maria rilke's third elegy
sign up and help edit+create his dark materials wiki articles for bridgetothestars!

jessia - Sraffie Queen
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- random guy
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- random guy
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Yeah, movies ruin the books if I see the movie then read the book. It's hard for me to get away from the movie, but I usually can. Sometimes, if I read the book then see the movie, I get stray movie images. Horridly annoying.
Sometimes illustrations bug me, too. If I ever wrote a novel/novelette, I wouldn't have illustrations of the charcacters on the cover, even.
Illustrations are just someone else's imagination. sometimes it's nice, like seeing the alethiometer, but other times, you want to make your own image.
Sometimes illustrations bug me, too. If I ever wrote a novel/novelette, I wouldn't have illustrations of the charcacters on the cover, even.
Illustrations are just someone else's imagination. sometimes it's nice, like seeing the alethiometer, but other times, you want to make your own image.
- hermioneP
I like illustrations, and films of books. If I like them, then sometimes I start to visualize the characters and settings looking like they did in the pictures or the film, which doesn't bother me. But if I don't like it, I don't have that hard of a time blocking out and keeping my original ideas. And whether or not I agree with it, I think it's interesting to see how other people "see" a book.
- Isobel
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anything that would better describe the world lyra lives in...
<--- My daemon, "Kirina"
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