The Golden Compass Premiere Afterparty
Posted on by Will

Following The Golden Compass premiere today (Tuesday), the assembled guests made their way to a lavish afterparty put on by New Line Cinema. The location, Tabacco Dock in London, had themed rooms based on various aspects of His Dark Materials. There was an icy Northern room, a genteel Oxford room and so forth. The event was patrolled by Magisterium guards and “attended” by Iorek Byrnison.

You can view photos from the event here. We’ll have more from the premiere and surrounding events in due course.

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6 Responses to The Golden Compass Premiere Afterparty

  1. Skye says:


    I basically hate you guys at the moment.
    Wait until tomorrow; I’ll love you again.

  2. Sephalyn says:

    That is just incredible! How very exciting… GOd, I wish I was there.

  3. troy says:

    That sounds great to me! 5 of the 6 you metioned love the film!
    Hope it does great!

  4. pan_fan says:

    thanks for all those links Matt. im so glad that all the reviews are good…well exept for the Times of London. im dying to make an opinion of my own about the movie, and im sure it will be good.

  5. Hillary says:

    Hey you guys,

    I was there 🙂
    My girlfriend won tickets on the radio to go to the premiere of “the golden compass” and to the afterparty.
    We walked the red carpet with Daniel Craig.
    And partied with the stars 🙂
    The afterparty was just THE greatest 🙂
    If you wanna see more pictures, go to my website 😉
