In addition to trading cards (of which we now have new and enlarged images), Inkworks have also produced “Pieceworks” cards for The Golden Compass. These cards feature fabric that was used in the creation of the film’s costumes: for example, Lord Asriel’s Tweed Jacket, or Mrs Coulter’s Cocktail Dress. You can view all 11 over at our merchandise section.

They’re doing their darndest to make sure they get back their investment in this thing. I think there is a collectable for just about every taste by now. Is Lyra’s arctic jacket (as seen in the original poster) in the shops yet?
Now if they would also sell the patterns, then I can get myself a jacket like Asriel.
This is some of the oddest merchandising ever though. Bits of cloth?
this is getting ridiculous 😉
I think its awesome because they are trying to be original. They could easily only follow the basic guidelines of what ‘movie merchandise’ should be, but they haven’t. They are at least trying to be creative.
People are complaining that this movie will take away from the book fans, but I feel that having a large amount of merchandise will only enhance the original fans’ connection to the story.
I think it’s way cool. This is totally something I’ve gotta get, along with the board game. I saw a new edition of the Golden Compass in my book store recently with pictures from the movie – WAY cool! I just wish it had been in English instead of Danish. Does the book exist in English with the pics as well?
No patch of polar bear fur? 😉
Now that’s just weird.
They’re really pushing out the merchandising boat on this one, which makes it even clearer how money driven New Line is.
This message probably won’t stay on the message board because as one person told me, the one running the blog doesn’t want to see any negative blogging about this movie. However, I’ll send a blog anyway as will many others. I’d be very concerned if I were the movie stars in this movie. It does not depict God and Christianity in a good Christian light and if I were the one acting as Nicole Kidman does, then I’d be very concerned about my soul and where it was going to reside for all of eternity. If you believe the bible, the devil and his realm are not where I want to reside in my eternal life. Keep in mind that it was satan himself that was thrown out of heaven by Almighty God for being deceptive. However, He was given the earth as his domain by God Himself to rule over until God Himself returns at the day of judgement. At that time, satan will be totally defeated as he realy is right now. Depicting small children with satanic powers is something to be concerned about for the mental health of a samll child in this movie for later in life. This movie will not make it because of its demonic depiction. God will intervene and this movie will fail and the directors and producers will go broke. And when that happend, just ask yourself why did it fail. It will fail because it is not something that many people want to see and/or take their children to see. Use your talents to produce decent movies with decent stories. They don’t have to be about God and Christianity, but they should be wholesome and have a positive outlook for the views to see. That is what people in the USA crave for right now. The motion picture industry has been extremely unsuccessful with their depiction of movies with a negative connoation and movies that are rated “R” and “X”. That should tell the producers and directors of these types of moview something. The viewers are fed up with your type of movie that you think is something for Americans to see. All for now and have both a blessed day and a blessed week.
TC191746 .. excuse me sir. This is a MOVIE. Everyone has the right to believe in what ever they want. I’d be concerned about your self. Did your parents not teach you that things in movies are not real. Then again I can see they taught you wrong somewhere else as well. Let people choose what they want to believe in. We are here to each put our own footprint on this earth, we each have our own choices to make- thats what makes us human.