TGC Behind the Scenes
Posted on by Will

Access Hollywood have posted a Behind the Scenes look at The Golden Compass. The video goes through much of the trailer, showing the filming process for each scene. There’s much to see there: footage of more acting from Dakota, a glimpse of Philip Pullman on set talking to Nicole Kidman, Eva Green flying in front of green-screen and more. Head over to Access Hollywood to watch it.

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11 Responses to TGC Behind the Scenes

  1. Gabzie says:

    Interesting and fun to watch. =) DBR seems quite a good actress.

  2. tsippie says:

    yeah, she’ll be great!

  3. Hardy says:

    Dakota Blue Richards was quite good as Lyra. She re-instilled hope that Lyra won’t be portrayed as a bratty little girl, but instead as a mature young lady.

  4. Megann says:

    Um, I can’t find this segment (I have an awful sense of direction). Can anybody help me out here?

  5. Will says:

    Look just to the right of the video that plays automatically. See the green screen? “Behind The Scenes: ‘The Gold…”

  6. Lu says:

    Wow, the news items are coming in fast and furious now… This is all so very exciting! I’m in love with the trailer (though I’m trying to be objective), and all this Behind the Scenes stuff makes it look even better. I have supreme confidence in the actors, and even Weitz’ vision might win me over by the time we hit December, I’m just still not convinced about the script choices. Ah well. I must say I am loving all the publicity! In my country (Belgium) they even had an entire article devoted to the Cannes footage of the movie, which they called “very impressive”.

  7. Ashe says:

    I really enjoyed the behind the scenes stuff! It was nice to see more of Dakota’s acting. I think she’ll do just fine as Lyra. =)

  8. Vaka says:

    Okay…this footage, more than anything else (even the teaser trailer) has convinced me that this will be the best adaptation we could hope for. The acting is virtually flawless, the dialogue is very true to the book’s style and the sets in these scenes are awesome. Lyra is perfect…Asriel is perfect…Lee is beyond perfect…and Mrs. Coulter…wow…I need to watch this again.

  9. Gabriel says:

    Simply amazing…

  10. Katja says:

    It really bothers me that people think of Lyra as a teenager or a young lady. In the first book in particular, she’s still a child (eleven and small for her age). Read the book, people!

  11. Kain says:

    That last bit…. when she’s talking to ‘Ragnar’ (known in the book as Iofur) they’ve got some wicked animatronics going on.