Pullman’s Message for July
Posted on by Ian

Philip Pullman has written a new message for July on his website, in which he discusses winning the Carnegie of Carnegies, receiving an honourary degree in Dundee and the ongoing work on The Golden Compass movie and The Butterfly Tattoo film. You can read the full message here.

About Ian

A keen fan of His Dark Materials and Philip Pullman. Assistant to Paul Temple and Sir Graham Forbes.
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3 Responses to Pullman’s Message for July

  1. [::~x~ζ їźżîЄTiffonO1~x~::] says:

    Its 4 june.

  2. drama queen says:

    kl, i think pp is lucky to have a bestseller book and for it to be at canne…….. tht would be bril but if only i had enough time!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Ashe says:

    http://www.cinematical.com has a full size picture of the new theatrical GC poster. I thought you guys might like to see it.


    click on the pictures for a larger image.