Pullman on Open University
Posted on by Kinders

Philip Pullman is quoted briefly in an article on the value of the Open University: “[The OU is] one of the last remnants of the impulse towards real social inclusion and betterment that underpinned the welfare state. Nothing like it could ever be created today, and so much the worse for today.”

About Kinders

Amateur comic strip artist, photographer and musician; wannabe author and film director; actual web 2.0 nerd and social butterfly. I've been visiting Bridge to the Stars and its forum, the Republic of Heaven, on and off since 2003, when I began making a short documentary about the His Dark Materials trilogy.
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2 Responses to Pullman on Open University

  1. Skye says:

    And another (which also talks about the poetry competition, plus a bit more): http://thescotsman.scotsman.com/features/Interview-Philip-Pullman–Chapter.5293128.jp