Pullman interview and comments on a new book in Yorkshire Post
Posted on by Kinders

The Yorkshire Post features an interview with Philip Pullman, in which he discusses writing His Dark Materials, religious controversy, and his latest work, a retelling of the story of Jesus:

“I’m fascinated by theology. The book I’m writing at the minute is about Jesus. I did a talk at the National Theatre with the Archbishop of Canter-bury, we were talking about the theology in the books and he said: ‘You don’t mention Jesus at all’, so I put him in the next book, The Scarecrow and his Servant. Nobody noticed, so I thought I better make it clearer. … I’m writing about this very interesting character called Jesus, who is very different from the character Paul calls Christ. I’ve been reading the gospels and reading around them. It’s fascinating – and I’ve also realised it can’t all be true.”

Pullman also talks about the stage plays and the movies. “In the fullness of time, if the rights revert to me I shall go over there (he points into his library) and cut out some cardboard figures and make it myself.” Thanks to Skye.

About Kinders

Amateur comic strip artist, photographer and musician; wannabe author and film director; actual web 2.0 nerd and social butterfly. I've been visiting Bridge to the Stars and its forum, the Republic of Heaven, on and off since 2003, when I began making a short documentary about the His Dark Materials trilogy.
This entry was posted in Interviews, Philip Pullman, Pullman's gospels, Religion, Stage adaptations, The Book Trilogy, The Golden Compass movie. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Pullman interview and comments on a new book in Yorkshire Post

  1. Boy87 says:

    Yes, Garrett can be difficult, but he’s also brilliant. ,