Pullman Book-Signing at New York
Posted on by Will

Philip Pullman’s visit to North America will include a book signing in New York. The signing will take place on Thursday November 1st, at the Barnes and Noble on Union Square, 33 East 17th Street. It will be open to the public and is scheduled to begin at 7pm.

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7 Responses to Pullman Book-Signing at New York

  1. jammer says:

    He really needs to come to L.A.

  2. james says:

    my friend and i will be there.
    wouldnt miss it for a parrallel world.

  3. Penguin_Factory says:

    I’m going to New York this year, but a month too late! Noooo!

  4. Skye says:

    This would be so cool to go to. If only I lived closer!
    Does anyone else find it… Well, not odd, really, but interesting that JKR will have been doing the same thing only weeks before?

  5. George Beahm says:

    Since the news for this came from New Line Cinema (I’ve been told), it’s quite possible that New Line Cinema is thinking of having Pullman come to Los Angeles in November to appear at its Hollywood premiere, which is traditionally where you’d expect to see the author.

    Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope Pullman supports a book signing in November in Los Angeles. There’s a lot of fans who’d like to meet him, and I’m sure New Line is mindful of that.

  6. jammer says:

    I will find a way into that premiere by the way. It will happen. and if there is a signing, I’ll hit that up too.

  7. Wendy says:

    Hurrah, I go to college in New York! I will skip Thurs evening class =D